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Created July 22, 2010 18:28
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" local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis:
" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
" Vim color file
" Maintainer: Jason Porritt
" Last Change: Jan. 24, 2008
hi clear
set background=dark
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "jason"
highlight Comment ctermfg=8 guifg=#808080
highlight Constant ctermfg=14 cterm=none guifg=#ff00aa gui=none
highlight Identifier ctermfg=6 guifg=#00c0c0
highlight Statement ctermfg=3 cterm=bold guifg=#c0c000 gui=bold
highlight PreProc ctermfg=10 guifg=#00ff00
highlight Type ctermfg=2 guifg=#00c000
highlight Special ctermfg=12 guifg=#aa44ff
highlight Error ctermbg=9 guibg=#ff0000
highlight Todo ctermfg=4 ctermbg=3 guifg=#000080 guibg=#c0c000
highlight Directory ctermfg=2 guifg=#00c000
highlight StatusLine ctermfg=11 ctermbg=12 cterm=none guifg=#ffff00 guibg=#0000ff gui=none
highlight Normal guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000
highlight Search ctermbg=3 guibg=#c0c000
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