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Created July 21, 2015 10:29
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Save jasonqu/8964c1f52f462db30666 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tri analyze - mapdb try
// embed db - mapdb
// libraryDependencies += "org.mapdb" % "mapdb" % "1.0.8"
val db : DB = DBMaker.newFileDB(new File("tridb"))
val vertices : JMap[Integer,String] = db.getHashMap("idToName-Vertex")
val vertexNames : JMap[String,Integer] = db.getHashMap("nameToid-Vertex")
val edges : JMap[Integer,String] = db.getHashMap("idToName-Edge")
val edgeNames : JMap[String,Integer] = db.getHashMap("nameToid-Edge")
// 1st : try to hash the id
// 2nd : store the id : Int -> name : String relation
// 3rd : if collide, store non-collide name -> id relation
val source ="F:\\Download\\0.txt")
val lines = try source.getLines.toList finally source.close()
val result = { line => line.split(" ") match {
case Array(subject, predicate, obj) =>
val subId = storeSubject(subject)
val preId = storePredicate(predicate)
val objId = storeSubject(obj)
//println(s"$subId $preId $objId")
s"$subId $preId $objId"
case _ => ""
def storeSubject(str : String) : Int = {
val hash = str.hashCode
if(vertices.containsKey(hash)) {
if(!vertices.get(hash).equals(str)) {
// collide
return vertexNames.get(str)
// new
var guess = Random.nextInt
while(vertices.containsKey(guess)) {
guess = Random.nextInt
vertices.put(guess, str)
vertexNames.put(str, guess)
return guess
} else {
vertices.put(hash, str)
vertexNames.put(str, hash)
def storePredicate(str : String) : Int = {
val hash = str.hashCode
if(edges.containsKey(hash)) {
if(!edges.get(hash).equals(str)) {
// collide
return edgeNames.get(str)
// new
var guess = Random.nextInt
while(edges.containsKey(guess)) {
guess = Random.nextInt
edges.put(guess, str)
edgeNames.put(str, guess)
return guess
} else {
edges.put(hash, str)
edgeNames.put(str, hash)
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