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Created November 28, 2015 06:12
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Scrolling Composites in SWT
#! /usr/bin/env jruby
require 'swt'
# swt gem doesn't appear to import the ScrolledComposite we need
# Looking at docs it's plenty old enough to be in any Java version we support
module Swt
include_package 'org.eclipse.swt.custom'
module Custom
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.ScrolledComposite
class SwtExample
def initialize
display =
red = display.get_system_color ::Swt::SWT::COLOR_RED
blue = display.get_system_color ::Swt::SWT::COLOR_BLUE
@shell =
@shell.text = "Example"
# This puts us in absolute mode, so we need to set everyone's position
# explicitly. Fortunately, that's what we actually want since as a library
# with our own positioning rules, we *know* where everything ought to be.
@shell.layout = nil
@shell.set_size 200, 200
# Call our method to set up the necessary scrollable composites
scroll_composite1, inner_composite1 = create_composite "yo", red
# As mentioned before, we're responsible for all positioning
# Outer composite is positioned relative to the main app
scroll_composite1.set_bounds 0, 0, 100, 200
# Inner composite positioning relative to the scrolling container
inner_composite1.set_bounds 0, 0, 100, 1000
# Repeat same steps to make a second scrollable composite
scroll_composite2, inner_composite2 = create_composite "dawg", blue
scroll_composite2.set_bounds 100, 0, 100, 200
inner_composite2.set_bounds 0, 0, 100, 1000
def create_composite(string, color)
# Outer composite that actually responds to scrolling
scroll = @shell, ::Swt::SWT::V_SCROLL
# Inner composite "content" that we'll append our controls into
composite = scroll, ::Swt::SWT::NONE
# Setting layout to nil puts us in charge of absolute positioning
# If we *don't* set the bounds with this layout, we get blank screens. Fun.
composite.layout = nil
# Set inner composite as the content of the scrolling composite
scroll.content = composite
# Adding controls and colors just for display purposes here... reaminder of
# this method isn't critical to the core functionality.
composite.background = color
text = composite, ::Swt::SWT::MULTI | ::Swt::SWT::WRAP
text.text = "#{string} " * 10
text.set_bounds 10, 60, 80, 50
button = composite, ::Swt::SWT::NONE
button.text = string
button.set_bounds 10, 10, 80, 50
button.add_listener ::Swt::SWT::Selection do
# Inch our scrolling along. This will be accessible probably via scroll_top or
# some related thing...
point = scroll.get_origin
point.y += 10
scroll.set_origin point
# Return so outer method here can tweak the positioning on both pieces
[scroll, composite]
# This is the main gui event loop
def start
display = Swt::Widgets::Display.get_current
# until the window (the Shell) has been closed
while !@shell.isDisposed
# check for and dispatch new gui events
display.sleep unless display.read_and_dispatch
Swt::Widgets::Display.set_app_name "Example"
app =
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