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Created February 24, 2012 13:44
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Buffer with Monoids
Fun with monoids
We'll need the monoid library.
> import Data.Monoid
Difference lists
Difference lists are functions mapping lists to lists. For the
purposes of the type checker, we'll make this an explicit type.
> newtype DiffList a = DL { unDL :: [a] -> [a] }
It is obviously a monoid as `(a -> b)` is a monoid when `b` is a
> instance Monoid (DiffList a) where
> mempty = DL $ mempty
> mappend xs ys = DL $ mappend (unDL xs) (unDL ys)
Turn any difference list into a list.
> dlToL :: DiffList a -> [a]
> dlToL x = unDL x []
Pointed functors
Pointed functors are ones that for any plain ordinary value of type
`a`, we can raise it up to type `f a`.
Notice how that is part of the `Monad` and `Applicative`
specifications through `return` and `pure` respectively.
> class Pointed f where
> raise :: a -> f a
For instance, any list is pointed as you can have a singleton list of
that value.
> instance Pointed [] where
> raise x = [x]
For instance, any difference list is pointed as you can have a
function that adds the plain ordinary value to the head.
> instance Pointed DiffList where
> raise x = DL $ \ys -> x:ys
Spec: A function that will only emit whole lines. E.g.
> ex1 = "foo\n" ++ undefined
> ex2 = "foo \n bar \n" ++ undefined
> ex3 = "foo \n bar" ++ undefined
< buffer ex1 == "foo \n" ++ ⊥
< buffer ex2 == "foo \n bar \n" ++ ⊥
< buffer ex3 == "foo \n" ++ ⊥
> bufferNaive :: String -> String
> bufferNaive = buffer' mempty
> bufferEffic :: String -> String
> bufferEffic = dlToL . buffer' mempty
> buffer' :: (Monoid (f Char), Pointed f) => f Char -> String -> f Char
> buffer' buf [] = buf
> buffer' buf ('\n':xs) = (buf `mappend` raise '\n') `mappend` buffer' mempty xs
> buffer' buf (x :xs) = buffer' (buf `mappend` raise x) xs
Specialise versions of `buffer'` as interpreted by `bufferNaive` and
`bufferEffic` and see what form they take.
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