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Last active October 5, 2015 01:28
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SmallerCheck – Example for ES talk
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (using, parBuffer, rseq)
import Data.List (partition)
-- *** Example Haskell functions ***
-- Is a list of integers sorted?
isOrdered :: [Int] -> Bool
isOrdered (x:y:zs) = x <= y && isOrdered (y:zs)
isOrdered _ = True
-- Sort a list of any orderable type.
qsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort ls ++ [x] ++ qsort rs
where (ls, rs) = partition (<= x) xs
-- *** Bounded exhaustive testing library ***
-- Step 1: Type specification
depthTest :: Seriesable a => Depth -> Property a -> Result a
-- Step 2: Elaborate on types
type Depth = Int
data Result a = Pass | Fail a deriving Show
type Property a = a -> Bool
class Seriesable a where
series :: Series a
type Series a = Depth -> [a]
-- Step 3: Define function
depthTest d prop = reduce tests
where tests = [ if prop x then Pass
else Fail x
| x <- series d ]
reduce :: [Result a] -> Result a
reduce [] = Pass
reduce (Pass :xs) = reduce xs
reduce (Fail x:xs) = Fail x
-- Step 6: Building the generators
instance Seriesable Bool where
series = cons False \/ cons True
instance Seriesable a => Seriesable [a] where
series = cons [] \/ cons (:) >< series >< series
instance (Seriesable a, Seriesable b)
=> Seriesable (a, b) where
series = cons (,) >< series >< series
instance (Seriesable a, Seriesable b, Seriesable c)
=> Seriesable (a, b, c) where
series = cons (,,) >< series >< series >< series
instance Seriesable Int where
series d = [negate d + 1 .. (d - 1)]
-- Step 5: Abstraction!
cons :: a -> Series a
cons x = \_ -> [x]
infixr 1 \/
(\/) :: Series a -> Series a -> Series a
xs \/ ys = \d -> xs d ++ ys d
infixl 2 ><
(><) :: Series (a -> b) -> Series a -> Series b
fs >< xs = \d -> [ f x | d > 1, f <- fs d, x <- xs (d - 1) ]
-- Step 8: Make it faster
parDepthTest d prop = reduce tests
where tests = [ if prop x then Pass
else Fail x
| x <- series d ]
`using` parBuffer 20 rseq
-- *** Example tests ***
prop_sorted xs = isOrdered (qsort xs)
prop_implAssoc (x, y, z) = ((x <= y) <= z) == (x <= (y <= z))
isPrefix = undefined
isPrefixCOMPL :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
isPrefixSOUND xs ys xs'
= (xs ++ xs' == ys) ==>
(isPrefix xs ys)
isPrefixSOUND :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
isPrefixSOUND xs ys
= (isPrefix xs ys) ==>
(exists $ \xs' -> xs ++ xs' == ys)
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