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Created December 28, 2010 18:05
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Sorta representing laws in the Haskell type system
Uses the She (Stathclyde Haskell Enhancement), which you
can get from
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -F -pgmF she #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Monoid where
import ShePrelude
-- | Theory of equivalence
data (:=:) a :: * -> * where
-- | Proof of equivalence
Refl :: a :=: a
-- | Congruence proof
cong :: a :=: b -> f a :=: f b
cong Refl = Refl
-- | Monoid ops, include laws on type-level equivalents
class Monoid s where
mempty :: s
mappend :: s -> s -> s
midentl :: pi (ys :: s). MAppend s (MEmpty s) {ys} :=: {ys}
midentr :: pi (xs :: s). MAppend s {xs} (MEmpty s) :=: {xs}
massoc :: pi (xs :: s). pi (ys :: s). pi (zs :: s).
MAppend s (MAppend s {xs} {ys}) {zs} :=: MAppend s {xs} (MAppend s {ys} {zs})
-- | Sigs for type-level equivalents
type family MEmpty s :: {s}
type family MAppend s (xs :: {s}) (ys :: {s}) :: {s}
data List a where
Nil :: List a
Cons :: a -> List a -> List a
instance Monoid (List a) where
mempty = Nil
mappend Nil ys = ys
mappend (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (mappend xs ys)
midentl _ = Refl
midentr {Nil} = Refl
midentr {Cons _ xs} = cong (midentr xs)
massoc {Nil} _ _ = Refl
massoc {Cons _ xs} {ys} {zs} = cong (massoc xs ys zs)
type instance MEmpty (List a) = {Nil}
type instance MAppend (List a) {Nil} ys = ys
type instance MAppend (List a) {Cons x xs} ys = {Cons} x (MAppend (List a) xs ys)
{- All this will be derived automatically one day. -}
data instance SheSingleton (List a) dummy where
SheWitNil :: (SheSingleton (List a)) (SheTyNil)
SheWitCons :: forall a sha0 sha1. (SheChecks (a ) sha0, SheChecks ( List a ) sha1) => SheSingleton (a ) sha0 -> SheSingleton ( List a ) sha1 -> (SheSingleton (List a)) (SheTyCons sha0 sha1)
instance SheChecks (List a) (SheTyNil) where sheTypes _ = SheWitNil
instance (SheChecks (a ) sha0, SheChecks ( List a ) sha1) => SheChecks (List a) (SheTyCons sha0 sha1) where sheTypes _ = SheWitCons (sheTypes (SheProxy :: SheProxy (a ) (sha0))) (sheTypes (SheProxy :: SheProxy ( List a ) (sha1)))
Uses the She (Stathclyde Haskell Enhancement), which you
can get from
-}{-# LINE 5 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -F -pgmF she #-}{-# LINE 6 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures #-}{-# LINE 7 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}{-# LINE 8 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}{-# LINE 9 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, NoImplicitPrelude #-}{-# LINE 10 "Monoid.hs" #-}
module Monoid where{-# LINE 11 "Monoid.hs" #-}
import ShePrelude{-# LINE 13 "Monoid.hs" #-}
-- | Theory of equivalence{-# LINE 14 "Monoid.hs" #-}
data (:=:) a :: * -> * where{-# LINE 15 "Monoid.hs" #-}
-- | Proof of equivalence{-# LINE 16 "Monoid.hs" #-}
Refl :: a :=: a{-# LINE 18 "Monoid.hs" #-}
-- | Congruence proof{-# LINE 19 "Monoid.hs" #-}
cong :: a :=: b -> f a :=: f b{-# LINE 20 "Monoid.hs" #-}
cong Refl = Refl{-# LINE 22 "Monoid.hs" #-}
-------------{-# LINE 24 "Monoid.hs" #-}
-- | Monoid ops, include laws on type-level equivalents{-# LINE 25 "Monoid.hs" #-}
class Monoid s where{-# LINE 26 "Monoid.hs" #-}
mempty :: s{-# LINE 27 "Monoid.hs" #-}
mappend :: s -> s -> s{-# LINE 28 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 29 "Monoid.hs" #-}
midentl :: forall ys . SheSingleton ( s) ys -> MAppend s (MEmpty s) (ys) :=: (ys){-# LINE 30 "Monoid.hs" #-}
midentr :: forall xs . SheSingleton ( s) xs -> MAppend s (xs) (MEmpty s) :=: (xs){-# LINE 31 "Monoid.hs" #-}
massoc :: forall xs . SheSingleton ( s) xs -> forall ys . SheSingleton ( s) ys -> forall zs . SheSingleton ( s) zs -> {-# LINE 32 "Monoid.hs" #-}
MAppend s (MAppend s (xs) (ys)) (zs) :=: MAppend s (xs) (MAppend s (ys) (zs)){-# LINE 34 "Monoid.hs" #-}
-- | Sigs for type-level equivalents{-# LINE 35 "Monoid.hs" #-}
type family MEmpty s :: *{-# LINE 36 "Monoid.hs" #-}
type family MAppend s (xs :: *) (ys :: *) :: *{-# LINE 37 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 38 "Monoid.hs" #-}
-------------{-# LINE 40 "Monoid.hs" #-}
data List a where{-# LINE 41 "Monoid.hs" #-}
Nil :: List a{-# LINE 42 "Monoid.hs" #-}
Cons :: a -> List a -> List a{-# LINE 44 "Monoid.hs" #-}
instance Monoid (List a) where{-# LINE 45 "Monoid.hs" #-}
mempty = Nil{-# LINE 46 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 47 "Monoid.hs" #-}
mappend Nil ys = ys{-# LINE 48 "Monoid.hs" #-}
mappend (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (mappend xs ys){-# LINE 49 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 50 "Monoid.hs" #-}
midentl _ = Refl{-# LINE 51 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 52 "Monoid.hs" #-}
midentr (SheWitNil) = Refl{-# LINE 53 "Monoid.hs" #-}
midentr (SheWitCons _ xs) = cong (midentr xs){-# LINE 54 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 55 "Monoid.hs" #-}
massoc (SheWitNil) _ _ = Refl{-# LINE 56 "Monoid.hs" #-}
massoc (SheWitCons _ xs) (ys) (zs) = cong (massoc xs ys zs){-# LINE 57 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 58 "Monoid.hs" #-}
type instance MEmpty (List a) = (SheTyNil){-# LINE 59 "Monoid.hs" #-}
type instance MAppend (List a) (SheTyNil) ys = ys{-# LINE 60 "Monoid.hs" #-}
type instance MAppend (List a) (SheTyCons x xs) ys = (SheTyCons) x (MAppend (List a) xs ys){-# LINE 62 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{- All this will be derived automatically one day. -}{-# LINE 63 "Monoid.hs" #-}
data instance SheSingleton (List a) dummy where{-# LINE 64 "Monoid.hs" #-}
SheWitNil :: (SheSingleton (List a)) (SheTyNil){-# LINE 65 "Monoid.hs" #-}
SheWitCons :: forall a sha0 sha1. (SheChecks (a ) sha0, SheChecks ( List a ) sha1) => SheSingleton (a ) sha0 -> SheSingleton ( List a ) sha1 -> (SheSingleton (List a)) (SheTyCons sha0 sha1){-# LINE 66 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 67 "Monoid.hs" #-}
instance SheChecks (List a) (SheTyNil) where sheTypes _ = SheWitNil{-# LINE 68 "Monoid.hs" #-}
{-# LINE 69 "Monoid.hs" #-}
instance (SheChecks (a ) sha0, SheChecks ( List a ) sha1) => SheChecks (List a) (SheTyCons sha0 sha1) where sheTypes _ = SheWitCons (sheTypes (SheProxy :: SheProxy (a ) (sha0))) (sheTypes (SheProxy :: SheProxy ( List a ) (sha1))){-# LINE 10 "Monoid.hs" #-}
data SheTyRefl = SheTyRefl{-# LINE 10 "Monoid.hs" #-}
data SheTyNil = SheTyNil{-# LINE 10 "Monoid.hs" #-}
data SheTyCons x1 x2 = SheTyCons x1 x2{-# LINE 10 "Monoid.hs" #-}
data SheTySheWitNil = SheTySheWitNil{-# LINE 10 "Monoid.hs" #-}
data SheTySheWitCons x1 x2 = SheTySheWitCons x1 x2
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