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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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helpful bash commands

##general bash commands

history prints out a numbers list of historical commands
!654 executes the command number 654 from history
vim file powerful text editor, but takes some learning
cat file read out the contents of the file to the terminal
less file more powerfull than cat. it gives you the abililty to search and scroll, among many other things
newcommand !! execute your new command followed by the previous command (!!)
newcommand !$ execute your new command followed by the last word of your previous command.

##grep command The grep command is basically like a filter for anything that comes accross your terminal. A very common use of grep is to filter a large file or trim down the terminal output to only show things that you care about.

For example, to check if a process is running, you could run the command ps -u jasonrhaas. This shows you all the processes that are running on the username jasonrhaas.

An output on my computer looks like this:

501 33457 ??         0:00.09
501 33458 ??         0:00.02
501 33459 ??         0:00.04
501 33471 ??         1:22.23 /Applications/
501 33486 ??         0:00.35 /System/Library/Frameworks/	QuickLook.framework/Resources/
501 33490 ??         0:00.27
501 33498 ??         0:05.33
501 33505 ??         0:03.29
501 33541 ??         0:00.04 /System/Library/Frameworks/	CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.fram
0 33049 ttys000    0:00.06 login -pfl jasonrhaas /bin/bash -c exec -la bash /bin/bash

This is only a small portion of the processes that are running. But lets say this list is huge and I only care about if Mou is running. Well I could use grep to filter this list. If I run ps -u jasonrhaas | grep Mou

The output will look like this

501 33471 ??         1:45.21 /Applications/
501 33565 ttys000    0:00.00 grep Mou

Now it's very easy to tell that Mou is running.

More on grep

There's lots more you can do with grep. For example, grep -v will give you everything in the sentence minus the word you specific. If you do grep -e you can use regular expressions.

##The Pipe | The pipe is this symbol |. It is used to direct any output from the terminal to the next command after the pipe. In the grep example, the output from the ps command was directed to grep, and the output of that showed up on the terminal.

##Input and output redirection < is used to direct something to be an input.

> is used to direct something to be an output.

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