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Created April 2, 2012 17:24
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JS Code Standards

JavaScript Code Standards

Let's write better JavaScript, and the same, k?


We always use spaces, and we always use four. Set your editor now.

function myFunction() {
    // Indented using 4 spaces (not a \t tab!)
    return "correct!";


Variable names should:

  1. Be as short as possible, without being unclear

  2. Be as clear as possible, without being too long

  3. Avoid abbreviations

  4. Be written in camelCase

    // Use this format (camelCase)
    var myAwesomeVariable;
    // Not these
    var my-awesome-variable; // syntax error
    var my_awesome_variable;
    var MyAwesomeVariable; // only for 'class' names
  5. Differentiated from the left

    // These are not so easy to tell apart
    var codeStandardsDocumentJs = {};
    var codeStandardsDocumentCss = [];
    // This is better
    var jsCodeStandardsDocument = {};
    var cssCodeStandardsDocument = [];
  6. Prefer nested objects over long names

    // Create nested objects for organization
    var urlGetters = {
      small: function () { },
      big: function () { }
    // Instead of really long, cumbersome variable names
    var smallUrlGetter = function () { };
    var bigUrlGetter = function () { };


Write moar comments. We minify.

// Use this single line style for helpful explanations.

 * Use this docblock style for documentation and stuff
 * @tagName some value

Variable Declarations

JS scoping is crazy, so declare all your variables for any scope at the top of that scope.

function myScope() {
  var counter,     

  // Do function-y stuff

  return galleryObject; 



Put a space around everything, as a general rule. PUT A SPACE AROUND IT.

A few exceptions:

  • A named function and its opening paren

    function namedFunction() {  // no space between function name and parens
  • Unary increment/decrement operators

    i++; // no space
    --j; // still no space, see?
  • The left side of a comma

    myFunction( parameter1, parameter2 ); // I shouldn't have to tell you this

Everything else should be separated by spaces, including the following:

  • Parameters inside of parens

    var gallery = new GKGallery( options ); // do this
    var gallery = new GKGallery(options); // don't do this, it's gross
  • Anonymous functions (don't make an incompetent person think the function is named 'function')

    var iife = (function () { // keep the space between 'function' and '()' for clarity
      // do all that sweet closure stuff
  • Control statements and their parens, and before every opening bracket "{"

    if(something){ // DON'T MASH IT ALL TOGETHER
    if ( something ) { // pretty!

You get the point.

Still have more to do, but this is a good start

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