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Last active March 8, 2021 20:17
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Jason's GreaseMonkey script for highlighting client info on job pages I often miss
// ==UserScript==
// @name Jason's Upwork Stuff
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Highlight important information about clients on job pages I often miss
// @author Jason Rush (
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var minimumHourlyRate = 15.00; // NOTE: This must be a decimal number. If you want an even dollar amount, use 15.00 for example.
// Flag "0% hire rate" with an orange background
var checkHireRateExist = setInterval(function() {
if ($("li[data-qa='client-job-posting-stats']").length) {
var postingStats = $("li[data-qa='client-job-posting-stats']")
console.log("li[data-qa='client-job-posting-stats'] exists.");
console.log( postingStats.html() );
if ($(postingStats).find("div[class='text-muted']").length) {
var textMuted = $(postingStats).find("div[class='text-muted']")
console.log("div[class='text-muted'] exists.");
if( textMuted.html().startsWith(" 0% hire rate") ){
console.log("text-muted starts with '0% hire rate'");
console.log( textMuted.html() );
}, 100); // check every 100ms
// Flag low average hourly rates with an orange background
var checkAverageRateExist = setInterval(function() {
if ($("strong[data-qa='client-hourly-rate']").length) {
var hourlyRateElement = $("strong[data-qa='client-hourly-rate']")
console.log("strong[data-qa='client-hourly-rate'] exists.");
var hourlyRateString = hourlyRateElement.text().split(' ')[1]
console.log( "Hourly rate (string): " + hourlyRateString );
var hourlyRateFloat = parseFloat( hourlyRateString );
console.log( "Hourly rate (float): " + hourlyRateFloat );
if ( hourlyRateFloat < minimumHourlyRate ) {
console.log("Hourly rate ("+hourlyRateFloat+" is less than "+minimumHourlyRate);
}, 100); // check every 100ms
// Flag payment method not verified with an orange background
var checkPaymentMethodVerifiedExist = setInterval(function() {
if ($("div[id='payment-not-verified']").length) {
var notVerifiedBadgeElement = $("div[id='payment-not-verified']")
var notVerifiedParentElement = $("div[id='payment-not-verified']").parent()
console.log("Not verified badge found.");
}, 100); // check every 100ms
// Flag existing hires with an orange background
var checkExistingHiresExist = setInterval(function() {
if ($("span[class='text-muted']:contains('Hires:')").length) {
var existingHiresElement = $("span[class='text-muted']:contains('Hires:')")
console.log("Existing hires found.");
}, 100); // check every 100ms
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