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Created January 9, 2021 00:42
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PowerShell Diff implementation
Diff implementation based off of
Written by Jason Rush (
Returns an arraylist of hashtables. Each hashtable has two properties.
The "Action" property will have a value of "Keep", "Insert", or "Remove".
The "Line" property will have the value originally passed via $a_lines or $b_lines.
While I haven't tested it, technically $a_lines and $b_lines should just be arrays
and the values should be able to be anything, not just strings from files as you would
typically use diff for.
Get-Diff (Get-Content .\file_a.txt) (Get-Content .\file_b.txt)
Get-Diff $oldStrings $newStrings | Foreach-Object {
if( "Keep" -eq $_.Action ){
" $($_.Line)"
}elseif( "Insert" -eq $_.Action ){
"+ $($_.Line)"
}elseif( "Remove" -eq $_.Action ){
"- $($_.Line)"
function Get-Diff( $a_lines, $b_lines ){
function DiffKeep( $line ){
Action = "Keep"
Line = $line
function DiffInsert( $line ){
Action = "Insert"
Line = $line
function DiffRemove( $line ){
Action = "Remove"
Line = $line
function Frontier( $x, $history ){
x = $x
history = $history # arraylist
function DiffOne( [int32] $i ){
$i - 1
$a_max = ($a_lines | Measure-Object).Count
$b_max = ($b_lines | Measure-Object).Count
$combined_max = [math]::Max(0, $a_max + $b_max)
$frontier = @{}
for( $i = -$combined_max; $i -le $combined_max; $i++ ){
$frontier[$i] = (Frontier 0 (New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList") )
for( $d=0; $d -le ($a_max + $b_max + 1); $d++ ){
for( $k=-$d; $k -le $d+1; $k=$k+2 ){
$go_down = (
($k -eq -$d) -or
($k -ne $d) -and
($frontier[$k-1].x -lt $frontier[$k+1].x)
if( $go_down ){
$old_x = $frontier[$k+1].x
$history = $frontier[$k+1].history
$x = $old_x
$old_x = $frontier[$k-1].x
$history = $frontier[$k-1].history
$x = $old_x + 1
$history = $history.clone()
$y = $x - $k
(1 -le $y) -and
($y -le $b_max) -and
(DiffInsert $b_lines[ (DiffOne $y) ])
) | Out-Null
}elseif (
(1 -le $x) -and
($x -le $a_max)
) {
(DiffRemove $a_lines[ (DiffOne $x) ])
) | Out-Null
($x -lt $a_max) -and
($y -lt $b_max) -and
($a_lines[ (DiffOne (1+$x) )] -eq $b_lines[ (DiffOne (1+$y) ) ])
$x = $x+1
$y = $y+1
(DiffKeep $a_lines[ (DiffOne $x) ])
) | Out-Null
($x -ge $a_max) -and
($y -ge $b_max)
return $history
$frontier[$k] = (Frontier $x $history)
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