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Created December 30, 2015 14:50
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Advent of Code Day 22 in Go #golang
package main
import (
type Player struct {
Name string
HP int
Damage int
Defense int
Mana int
HardMode bool
func (p Player) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v HP: %v Defense: %v Mana: %v Hard Mode: %v", p.Name, p.HP, p.Defense, p.Mana, p.HardMode)
type Spell struct {
Name string
Cost int
Effects []Effect
func (s Spell) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v Cost: %v Effects: %v", s.Name, s.Cost, s.Effects)
type EffectProperty int
const (
Damage EffectProperty = iota
HP EffectProperty = iota
Defense EffectProperty = iota
Mana EffectProperty = iota
type Effect struct {
Countdown int
Prop EffectProperty
Value int
OneTime bool
Instant bool
func (eff Effect) String() string {
prop := ""
if eff.Prop == Damage {
prop = "Damage"
} else if eff.Prop == HP {
prop = "HP"
} else if eff.Prop == Defense {
prop = "Defense"
} else if eff.Prop == Mana {
prop = "Mana"
return fmt.Sprintf("%v Countdown: %v Value: %v One Time: %v Instant: %v", prop, eff.Countdown, eff.Value, eff.OneTime, eff.Instant)
type Result struct {
Mana int
Story Story
type Story []string
func (story *Story) AddLine(s string) {
(*story) = append(*story, s)
func (story Story) String() string {
s := ""
for _, line := range story {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", line)
return s
func init(){
func main() {
startTime := time.Now()
spells := []Spell{}
mm := Spell{ Name: "Magic Missile", Cost: 53, Effects: []Effect{ Effect{ Instant: true, Prop: Damage, Value: 4 } } }
drain := Spell{ Name: "Drain", Cost: 73, Effects: []Effect{ Effect{ Instant: true, Prop: HP, Value: 2 }, Effect{ Instant: true, Prop: Damage, Value: 2 } } }
shield := Spell{ Name: "Shield", Cost: 113, Effects: []Effect{ Effect{ Countdown: 6, Prop: Defense, Value: 7, OneTime: true } } }
poison := Spell{ Name: "Poison", Cost: 173, Effects: []Effect{ Effect{ Countdown: 6, Prop: Damage, Value: 3 } } }
recharge := Spell{ Name: "Recharge", Cost: 229, Effects: []Effect{ Effect{ Countdown: 5, Prop: Mana, Value: 101 } } }
spells = append(spells, mm)
spells = append(spells, drain)
spells = append(spells, shield)
spells = append(spells, poison)
spells = append(spells, recharge)
min := 1400
hardMode := true
workers := runtime.NumCPU()
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
results := make(chan Result)
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
go func(threadID int) {
RunSims(threadID, spells, min, hardMode, results)
go func(){
for r := range results {
if r.Mana < min {
min = r.Mana
fmt.Println(r.Mana, "\n", r.Story)
fmt.Println("Time", time.Since(startTime))
func RunSims(threadID int, spells []Spell, min int, hardMode bool, res chan Result) {
minmana := min
for i := 0; i < 2000; i++ {
player := Player{ Name: "Jason", HP: 50, Mana: 500, HardMode: hardMode }
boss := Player{ Name: "Boss", HP: 58, Damage: 9 }
story,mana,win := RunSim(&player, &boss, spells, minmana)
if win && mana < minmana {
minmana = mana
result := Result{ Mana: mana, Story: story }
res <- result
func RunSim(player, boss *Player, availableSpells []Spell, minmana int) (Story, int, bool) {
effects := []Effect{}
story := Story{}
alternate := false
mana := 0
turn := 0
win := false
for mana < minmana {
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("\nStarting turn %v\n----------", turn))
if player.HardMode {
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Player hard mode. Player HP: %v", player.HP))
// process pre-turn effects
ApplyEffects(&story, player, boss, effects)
// count down effects counters
effects = CountdownEffects(&story, player, boss, effects)
if player.HP <= 0 || boss.HP <= 0 {
// dead
if player.HP <= 0 {
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Player has died"))
} else {
win = true
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Boss has died"))
// attack
if alternate {
damage := Attack(boss.Damage, player.Defense)
player.HP -= damage
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Boss attacks for %v, player HP: %v", damage, player.HP))
} else {
spell := GetRandSpell(*boss, *player, availableSpells, effects)
if spell.Cost > 0 {
effs := Cast(&story, player, spell)
ApplyOneTime(&story, player, boss, effs)
effects = append(effects, effs...)
mana += spell.Cost
} else {
break // if can't cast any spell you lose
alternate = !alternate
return story, mana, win
func CountdownEffects(story *Story, player, boss *Player, effects []Effect) []Effect {
remaining := []Effect{}
for i := len(effects)-1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !effects[i].Instant {
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Countdown updated: %v", effects[i]))
if effects[i].Countdown == 0 {
RollbackEffect(player, boss, effects[i])
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Effect %v has ended", effects[i]))
} else {
remaining = append(remaining, effects[i])
return remaining
func RollbackEffect(player, boss *Player, eff Effect){
if eff.OneTime {
switch eff.Prop {
case Defense:
player.Defense -= eff.Value
func ApplyOneTime(story *Story, player, boss *Player, effects []Effect){
for _,eff := range effects {
if eff.OneTime {
switch eff.Prop {
case Defense:
player.Defense += eff.Value
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Effect Defense has started. Player Defense: %v", player.Defense))
func ApplyEffects(story *Story, player, boss *Player, effects []Effect){
for _,eff := range effects {
switch eff.Prop {
case Damage:
boss.HP -= eff.Value
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Applied effect Damage, Boss HP: %v", boss.HP))
case HP:
player.HP += eff.Value
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Applied effect HP, Player HP: %v", player.HP))
case Mana:
player.Mana += eff.Value
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Applied effect Mana, Player Mana: %v", player.Mana))
func GetRandSpell(boss, player Player, spells []Spell, effects []Effect) Spell {
available := []Spell{}
for _,sp := range spells {
canCast := true
if sp.Cost <= player.Mana {
for _,eff := range effects {
for _, spellEffect := range sp.Effects {
if eff.Prop == spellEffect.Prop && eff.Instant == spellEffect.Instant {
canCast = false
} else {
canCast = false
if canCast {
available = append(available, sp)
if len(available) > 0 {
index := rand.Intn(len(available))
return available[index]
} else {
return Spell{}
func Attack(damage, defense int) (dmg int) {
dmg = damage - defense
if dmg < 1 { dmg = 1 }
return dmg
func Cast(story *Story, caster *Player, spell Spell) []Effect {
caster.Mana -= spell.Cost
story.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("Player casting %v for %v mana, %v mana remaining", spell.Name, spell.Cost, caster.Mana))
effects := []Effect{}
for _,eff := range spell.Effects {
effects = append(effects, Effect{ Countdown: eff.Countdown, Prop: eff.Prop, Value: eff.Value, OneTime: eff.OneTime, Instant: eff.Instant })
return effects
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