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Last active June 29, 2020 01:20
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import copy
{"time": 60, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.15},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.85}]]}, #1-2 wall jump
{"time": 62, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.1, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #1-2 piranha plant
{"time": 71, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.1, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #1-2 wall clip
{"time": 158, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.1, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #4-3
{"time": 192, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.1, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #4-4 climb
{"time": 206, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.1, "prob": 0.9},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.1}]]}, #4-4 bowser
# {"time": 206, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.1, "prob": 0.99},
# {"delta": 2, "prob": 0.01}]]}, #4-4 bowser
# {"time": 206, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.1, "prob": 0.5},
# {"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #4-4 bowser
{"time": 263, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.1, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]},
{"time": 295, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #5-2
{"time": 317, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #fast 8-1
{"time": 323, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #slow down
{"time": 360, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #
{"time": 375, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #8-3
{"time": 420, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #8-4 first jump
{"time": 460, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #8-4 para
{"time": 467, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #8-4 bruce
{"time": 477, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.3, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]} #8-4 bowser
END_TIME = 478
{"time": 60, "optional": False, "options": [[{"delta": -0.5, "prob": 0.5},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.5}]]}, #1-2 wall jump
{"time": 100, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.5, "prob": 0.1},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.9}]]}, #1-2 wall jump
{"time": 900, "optional": True, "options": [[{"delta": -0.5, "prob": 0.4},
{"delta": 2, "prob": 0.6}]]}, #1-2 wall jump
END_TIME = 1000
def iterate_speedrun(key_times, goal_time, time_to_goal, verbose = False):
#return new time_to_goal for the speedrun, which is the expected amoount of time needed
#to achieve the goal_time
#time_to_goal = avg_run_time / p_success
time = END_TIME
#At each point in the run you have one or a few (p_success, avg_time_left) possibilities
#these aren't well-ordered because your preference can depend on other details of the run
#for example (0.4, 94) is worse than (0.1, 19) at the start of a run
#comparing time_to_goal = avg_run_time / p_success: 94 / 0.4 > 19 / 0.1
#but 100 seconds into a run the preference reverses: (94 + 100) / 0.4 < (19 + 100) / 0.1
#At each point in the run store a list of breakpoint paces. For each breakpoint if you're ahead of that pace then you have the listed (p_success, avg_time_left) possibilities
all_breakpoint_info = {END_TIME: {goal_time: {"pace":goal_time, "poss":[{"prob":1, "time_left":0, "route": {}}]}, float("inf"): {"pace":float("inf"), "poss":[{"prob":0, "time_left":0, "route": {}}]}}}
for x in key_times[::-1]: #build up possibilities backwards
next_time = time
time = x["time"]
next_breakpoint_info = all_breakpoint_info[next_time]
breakpoint_info = {}
options = x["options"]
if x["optional"]:
#add skip option
options = options + [[{"delta": 0, "prob": 1}]]
breakpoint_list = list(set(round(next_breakpoint_info[t]["pace"] - out["delta"],2) for t in next_breakpoint_info for opt in options for out in opt))
for pace in breakpoint_list:
def evaluate_option(i, option): #i is the option index
#Compute all (prob, time_left) possibilities if we choose this option at this step
#Each outcome o1, o2, o3... in the options list
#will lead to a number of possibilities
#o1 -> p11, p12, p13...
#o2 -> p21, p22, p23...
#o3 -> p31, p32, p33...
#so the total possibilities result from picking one each from the o1 possibilities
#o2 possibilities, o3 possibilities, ...
#so iterate through the outcomes and at each step
#update partial_poss = O1 X O2 X O3.. X Ok
#on each iteration i update partial_poss to include
#each combination of the existing partial_poss X Oi
partial_poss = [{"prob":0,"time_left":0,"route":{}}]
for outcome in option:
iter_poss = []
next_pace = round(pace + outcome["delta"],2)
next_breakpoint = min([t for t in next_breakpoint_info if t >= next_pace])
next_poss_list = next_breakpoint_info[next_breakpoint]["poss"]
for next_poss in next_poss_list:
#once we reach the next key time we'll have
#next_poss["prob"] and next_poss["time_left"] on average
#so current time left = next_poss["time_left"] + (next_time - time)
#reset if current efficiency is slower than the overall speedrun time_to_goal
t_continue = (next_poss["time_left"] + (next_time - time)) / (next_poss["prob"] + 1e-10)
if t_continue > time_to_goal or next_poss["prob"] == 0:
for p in partial_poss:
p["route"][(f"{time}p", next_pace)] = "X"
#combine each item in partial_poss with this next_poss
for p in partial_poss:
prob = p["prob"] + outcome["prob"] * next_poss["prob"]
time_left = p["time_left"] + outcome["prob"] * (next_poss["time_left"] + (next_time - time))
route = dict(next_poss["route"])
route[(time, pace)] = i
iter_poss.append({"prob":prob, "time_left":time_left, "route":route})
partial_poss = iter_poss
return partial_poss
#pull possibilities across all options
poss = [x for i,opt in enumerate(options) for x in evaluate_option(i,opt)]
poss.sort(key = lambda x: (x["prob"],-1*x["time_left"]),reverse=True)
new_poss = poss[:1] #just the first element from possibilities
#prune some possibilities
for i in range(1,len(poss)):
poss_old = new_poss[-1]
poss_new = poss[i]
marginal_prob = poss_old["prob"] - poss_new["prob"]
marginal_time = (poss_old["time_left"] - poss_new["time_left"])
if (poss_old["prob"] >= poss_new["prob"] and poss_old["time_left"] <= poss_new["time_left"]):
elif marginal_time / marginal_prob < time_to_goal: #not 100% sure this pruning is valid
elif poss_new["prob"] > 0:
poss = new_poss
breakpoint_info[pace] = {"pace": pace, "poss": poss}
#filter out any paces that are too slow or too fast
#one_cutoff is the slowest pace that can have success with 100% probability
one_cutoff = max(x for x in breakpoint_info if any(y["prob"] == 1 for y in breakpoint_info[x]["poss"]))
#zero_cutoff is the fastest pace that has no chance of success
zeros = [x for x in breakpoint_info if all(y["prob"] == 0 for y in breakpoint_info[x]["poss"]) and x != float("inf")]
zero_cutoff = float("inf") if not zeros else min(zeros)
breakpoint_info = {x:breakpoint_info[x] for x in breakpoint_info if x >= one_cutoff and (x < zero_cutoff or x == float("inf"))}
all_breakpoint_info[time] = breakpoint_info
start_time_threshold = min(x for x in all_breakpoint_info[time] if x >= 0)
#add the time to the first trick to thresholds[start_time_threshold]["time_left"]
best_val = min((x["time_left"] + time) / (x["prob"]) for x in all_breakpoint_info[time][start_time_threshold]["poss"])
return best_val, all_breakpoint_info
def compute_paths(KEY_TIMES, thresholds, resets):
#return a list of possible outcomes of the run:
#"S" means skipped that trick,
#(option_id, delta) means picked option_id with outcome delta
#"X" means reset run
paths = [[]]
starting_pace = 0
for x in KEY_TIMES:
new_paths = []
time = x["time"]
for p in paths:
pace = 0
if p and p[-1] == "X": #ends in reset
for i in p:
if i == "S": continue
pace += i[1]
breakpoint_time = min(x for x in thresholds[time] if x >= pace)
option_id = thresholds[time][breakpoint_time]["option"]
if option_id is None:
new_paths.append(p + ["S"])
outcomes = x["options"][option_id]
for out in sorted(outcomes, key = lambda x: -1 *x["delta"]):
new_pace = pace + out["delta"]
if resets[time] < new_pace:
new_paths.append(p + [(option_id,out["delta"]),"X"])
new_paths.append(p + [(option_id,out["delta"])])
paths = new_paths
return paths
def optimize_speedrun(KEY_TIMES, goal_time):
val = float("inf")
for i in range(100):
new_val, thresholds = iterate_speedrun(KEY_TIMES, -1, val)
if new_val == val: break
val = new_val
return val, thresholds
def trick_to_practice(KEY_TIMES, goal_time, practice_pct = 0.01):
base_val, _, _ = optimize_speedrun(KEY_TIMES, goal_time)
output = []
for i,x in enumerate(KEY_TIMES):
for j,opt in enumerate(x["options"]):
#generate a new version of the option where the best option has 1% more prob
#(taken proportionally from the other outcomes)
best_outcome_id = sorted([(k,x) for k,x in enumerate(opt)], key = lambda x: x[1]["delta"])[0][0]
prob = opt[best_outcome_id]["prob"]
prob_delta = min(1 - opt[best_outcome_id]["prob"], practice_pct)
# print(opt)
new_option = [{"prob":out["prob"]+prob_delta,"delta":out["delta"]} if k == best_outcome_id else {"prob":out["prob"]*(1-prob-prob_delta)/(1-prob+1e-10),"delta":out["delta"]} for k,out in enumerate(opt)]
new_trick = copy.deepcopy(x)
new_trick["options"][j] = new_option
new_trick_list = copy.deepcopy(KEY_TIMES)
new_trick_list[i] = new_trick
new_val, _, _ = optimize_speedrun(new_trick_list, goal_time)
# new_tricks = [x if i for i,x in enumerate(KEY_TIMES)]
# best_outcome_prob = best_outcome["prob"]
# new_prob = best_outcome_prob
# new_tricks = [x if k == i else x for k,x in enumerate(KEY_TIMES)]
if __name__ == "__main__":
val, thresholds = optimize_speedrun(KEY_TIMES, -1)
print("total value")
for x in sorted([x for x in thresholds]):
for y in sorted([y for y in thresholds[x]]):
print(y, thresholds[x][y])
# trick_to_practice(KEY_TIMES, -1)
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