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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="levels.js"></script>
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/game.css"> -->
.background { background: rgb(52, 166, 251);
table-layout: fixed;
border-spacing: 0; }
.background td { padding: 0; }
.lava { background: rgb(255, 100, 100); }
.wall { background: white; }
.actor { position: absolute; }
.coin { background: rgb(241, 229, 89); }
.player { background: rgb(64, 64, 64); }
.lost .player {
background: rgb(160, 64, 64);
.won .player {
box-shadow: -4px -7px 8px white, 4px -7px 8px white;
.game {
overflow: hidden;
max-width: 600px;
max-height: 450px;
position: relative;
let simpleLevelPlan = `
class Level {
constructor(plan) {
let rows = plan.trim().split("\n").map(l => [...l]);
this.height = rows.length;
this.width = rows[0].length;
this.startActors = [];
this.rows =, y) => {
return, x) => {
let type = levelChars[ch];
if (typeof type == "string") return type;
type.create(new Vec(x, y), ch));
return "empty";
class State {
constructor(level, actors, status) {
this.level = level;
this.actors = actors;
this.status = status;
static start(level) {
return new State(level, level.startActors, "playing");
get player() {
return this.actors.find(a => a.type == "player");
class Vec {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x; this.y = y;
plus(other) {
return new Vec(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);
times(factor) {
return new Vec(this.x * factor, this.y * factor);
class Player {
constructor(pos, speed) {
this.pos = pos;
this.speed = speed;
get type() { return "player"; }
static create(pos) {
return new Player( Vec(0, -0.5)),
new Vec(0, 0));
Player.prototype.size = new Vec(0.8, 1.5);
class Lava {
constructor(pos, speed, reset) {
this.pos = pos;
this.speed = speed;
this.reset = reset;
get type() { return "lava"; }
static create(pos, ch) {
if (ch == "=") {
return new Lava(pos, new Vec(2, 0));
} else if (ch == "|") {
return new Lava(pos, new Vec(0, 2));
} else if (ch == "v") {
return new Lava(pos, new Vec(0, 3), pos);
Lava.prototype.size = new Vec(1, 1);
let Coin = class Coin {
constructor(pos, basePos, wobble) {
this.pos = pos;
this.basePos = basePos;
this.wobble = wobble;
get type() { return "coin"; }
static create(pos) {
let basePos = Vec(0.2, 0.1));
return new Coin(basePos, basePos,
Math.random() * Math.PI * 2);
Coin.prototype.size = new Vec(0.6, 0.6);
const levelChars = {
".": "empty", "#": "wall", "+": "lava",
"@": Player, "o": Coin,
"=": Lava, "|": Lava, "v": Lava
function elt(name, attrs, ...children) {
let dom = document.createElement(name);
for (let attr of Object.keys(attrs)) {
dom.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
for (let child of children) {
return dom;
class DOMDisplay {
constructor(parent, level) {
this.dom = elt("div", {class: "game"}, drawGrid(level));
this.actorLayer = null;
clear() { this.dom.remove(); }
const scale = 20;
function drawGrid(level) {
return elt("table", {
class: "background",
style: `width: ${level.width * scale}px`
}, =>
elt("tr", {style: `height: ${scale}px`}, => elt("td", {class: type})))
function drawActors(actors) {
return elt("div", {}, => {
let rect = elt("div", {class: `actor ${actor.type}`}); = `${actor.size.x * scale}px`; = `${actor.size.y * scale}px`; = `${actor.pos.x * scale}px`; = `${actor.pos.y * scale}px`;
return rect;
DOMDisplay.prototype.syncState = function(state) {
if (this.actorLayer) this.actorLayer.remove();
this.actorLayer = drawActors(state.actors);
this.dom.className = `game ${state.status}`;
DOMDisplay.prototype.scrollPlayerIntoView = function(state) {
let width = this.dom.clientWidth;
let height = this.dom.clientHeight;
let margin = width / 3;
// The viewport
let left = this.dom.scrollLeft, right = left + width;
let top = this.dom.scrollTop, bottom = top + height;
let player = state.player;
let center =
if (center.x < left + margin) {
this.dom.scrollLeft = center.x - margin;
} else if (center.x > right - margin) {
this.dom.scrollLeft = center.x + margin - width;
if (center.y < top + margin) {
this.dom.scrollTop = center.y - margin;
} else if (center.y > bottom - margin) {
this.dom.scrollTop = center.y + margin - height;
// let simpleLevel = new Level(simpleLevelPlan);
// // console.log(`${simpleLevel.width} by ${simpleLevel.height}`);
// // // → 22 by 9
// console.log(simpleLevel);
// let display = new DOMDisplay(document.body, simpleLevel);
// console.log(display);
// display.syncState(State.start(simpleLevel));
Level.prototype.touches = function(pos, size, type) {
var xStart = Math.floor(pos.x);
var xEnd = Math.ceil(pos.x + size.x);
var yStart = Math.floor(pos.y);
var yEnd = Math.ceil(pos.y + size.y);
for (var y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++) {
for (var x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++) {
let isOutside = x < 0 || x >= this.width ||
y < 0 || y >= this.height;
let here = isOutside ? "wall" : this.rows[y][x];
if (here == type) return true;
return false;
State.prototype.update = function(time, keys) {
let actors = this.actors
.map(actor => actor.update(time, this, keys));
let newState = new State(this.level, actors, this.status);
if (newState.status != "playing") return newState;
let player = newState.player;
if (this.level.touches(player.pos, player.size, "lava")) {
return new State(this.level, actors, "lost");
for (let actor of actors) {
if (actor != player && overlap(actor, player)) {
newState = actor.collide(newState);
return newState;
function overlap(actor1, actor2) {
return actor1.pos.x + actor1.size.x > actor2.pos.x &&
actor1.pos.x < actor2.pos.x + actor2.size.x &&
actor1.pos.y + actor1.size.y > actor2.pos.y &&
actor1.pos.y < actor2.pos.y + actor2.size.y;
Lava.prototype.collide = function(state) {
return new State(state.level, state.actors, "lost");
Coin.prototype.collide = function(state) {
let filtered = state.actors.filter(a => a != this);
let status = state.status;
if (!filtered.some(a => a.type == "coin")) status = "won";
return new State(state.level, filtered, status);
Lava.prototype.update = function(time, state) {
let newPos =;
if (!state.level.touches(newPos, this.size, "wall")) {
return new Lava(newPos, this.speed, this.reset);
} else if (this.reset) {
return new Lava(this.reset, this.speed, this.reset);
} else {
return new Lava(this.pos, this.speed.times(-1));
const wobbleSpeed = 8, wobbleDist = 0.07;
Coin.prototype.update = function(time) {
let wobble = this.wobble + time * wobbleSpeed;
let wobblePos = Math.sin(wobble) * wobbleDist;
return new Coin( Vec(0, wobblePos)),
this.basePos, wobble);
const playerXSpeed = 7;
const gravity = 30;
const jumpSpeed = 17;
Player.prototype.update = function(time, state, keys) {
let xSpeed = 0;
if (keys.ArrowLeft) xSpeed -= playerXSpeed;
if (keys.ArrowRight) xSpeed += playerXSpeed;
let pos = this.pos;
let movedX = Vec(xSpeed * time, 0));
if (!state.level.touches(movedX, this.size, "wall")) {
pos = movedX;
let ySpeed = this.speed.y + time * gravity;
let movedY = Vec(0, ySpeed * time));
if (!state.level.touches(movedY, this.size, "wall")) {
pos = movedY;
} else if (keys.ArrowUp && ySpeed > 0) {
ySpeed = -jumpSpeed;
} else {
ySpeed = 0;
return new Player(pos, new Vec(xSpeed, ySpeed));
// function trackKeys(keys) {
// let down = Object.create(null);
// function track(event) {
// if (keys.includes(event.key)) {
// down[event.key] = event.type == "keydown";
// event.preventDefault();
// }
// }
// window.addEventListener("keydown", track);
// window.addEventListener("keyup", track);
// return down;
// }
// const arrowKeys =
// trackKeys(["ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "ArrowUp"]);
function runAnimation(frameFunc) {
let lastTime = null;
function frame(time) {
if (lastTime != null) {
let timeStep = Math.min(time - lastTime, 100) / 1000;
if (frameFunc(timeStep) === false) return;
lastTime = time;
// To know when to stop and restart the animation, a level that is
// being displayed may be in three `running` states:
// * "yes": Running normally.
// * "no": Paused, animation isn't running
// * "pausing": Must pause, but animation is still running
// The key handler, when it notices escape being pressed, will do a
// different thing depending on the current state. When running is
// "yes" or "pausing", it will switch to the other of those two
// states. When it is "no", it will restart the animation and switch
// the state to "yes".
// The animation function, when state is "pausing", will set the state
// to "no" and return false to stop the animation.
function runLevel(level, Display) {
let display = new Display(document.body, level);
let state = State.start(level);
let ending = 1;
let running = "yes";
return new Promise(resolve => {
function escHandler(event) {
if (event.key != "Escape") return;
if (running == "no") {
running = "yes";
} else if (running == "yes") {
//There is a time gap between users press the esc key to
//pause the game and when the pause actually happen,
//hence the "pausing" phase.
running = "pausing"
} else {
running = "yes";
window.addEventListener("keydown", escHandler);
let arrowKeys = trackKeys(["ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "ArrowUp"]);
function frame(time) {
if (running == "pausing") {
//When the pause actually happen.
running = "no";
return false;
state = state.update(time, arrowKeys);
if (state.status == "playing") {
return true;
} else if (ending > 0) {
ending -= time;
return true;
} else {
window.removeEventListener("keydown", escHandler);
return false;
function trackKeys(keys) {
let down = Object.create(null);
function track(event) {
if (keys.includes(event.key)) {
down[event.key] = event.type == "keydown";
window.addEventListener("keydown", track);
window.addEventListener("keyup", track);
down.unregister = () => {
window.removeEventListener("keydown", track);
window.removeEventListener("keyup", track);
return down;
async function runGame(plans, Display) {
let lives = 3;
for (let level = 0; level < plans.length && lives > 0;) {
console.log(`level: ${level + 1}`, `lives: ${lives}`);
let status = await runLevel(new Level(plans[level]),
if (status == "won") {
} else {
if(lives > 0){
console.log("You've won!");
} else {
console.log("You've lost!");
runGame(GAME_LEVELS, DOMDisplay);
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