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Last active January 7, 2018 03:20
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  • Save jasonvarga/020042f9b1efe5cb9ec152d8c8cfb3e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jasonvarga/020042f9b1efe5cb9ec152d8c8cfb3e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$files = Storage::files(); // one api call
foreach ($files as $file) {
$arr = [
'size' => Storage::size($file), // one api call
'timestamp' => Storage::lastModified($file), // one api call
// Without caching:
// ------
// 1 api call for listing
// 2 api call for each file
// ------
// 10 files in the directory, 21 api calls
// 50 files, 101 api calls
// 100 files, 201 api calls, etc
// With memory request caching: ('cache' => true)
// ------
// 1 api call for listing, which caches all the meta data
// 0 api call for each file, since they were cached
// ------
// 10 files, 1 api call
// 50 files, 1 api call
// 100 files, 1 api call, etc
// When using a cache store, you will have 1 API call for the listing,
// then no API calls for future requests while the flysystem data remains in the cache.
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