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Created August 4, 2017 15:43
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BBEdit wrap selection (or create empty) HTML tag with CSS class using AppleScript
-- tag input options:
-- div -> <div>{SELECTED TEXT IF ANY}</div>
-- div.myclass -> <div class="myclass">{SELECTED TEXT IF ANY}</div>
on splitText(theText, theDelimiter)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
set theTextItems to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return theTextItems
end splitText
tell application "BBEdit"
tell text of front text document
set theText to contents of selection
end tell
end tell
set tagName to text returned of (display dialog "tag: " buttons {"Cancel", "Set"} with title "OK" cancel button "Cancel" default button "Set" default answer "")
set theClass to ""
set theOffset to offset of "." in tagName
if theOffset > 0 then
set theSplit to splitText(tagName, ".")
set tagName to item 1 of theSplit
set className to item 2 of theSplit
set theClass to " class=\"" & className & "\""
end if
set theText to "<" & tagName & theClass & ">" & theText & "</" & tagName & ">"
tell application "BBEdit"
tell text of front text document
set text of selection to theText
end tell
end tell
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