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Last active January 22, 2016 15:08
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Client-side Routing in Elm Using Parser Combinators
module Main where
import Combine exposing (Parser, string, parse, end, andThen, many1, while, many, skip, Result (..))
import Combine.Char exposing (noneOf, char)
import Combine.Num exposing (int)
import Combine.Infix exposing ((<$>), (<$), (<*), (*>), (<*>), (<|>))
import Maybe exposing (Maybe)
import History exposing (path, setPath)
import Signal exposing (Signal, (<~), (~), send, message)
import Effects exposing (Effects, task)
import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, text, ul, li, a, input, button)
import Html.Attributes as HA
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import StartApp exposing (start, App)
import Task exposing (Task)
type alias Url = String
type Route
= Home
| About
| Topic Int
| Page404
convertRoute : Route -> Url
convertRoute route =
case route of
Home -> "/"
About -> "/about"
Topic int -> "/topic/" ++ (toString int)
homeRouteParser : Parser Route
= Home <$ (string "/" *> end)
aboutRouteParser : Parser Route
= About <$ (string "/about" *> end)
topicRouteParser : Parser Route
= Topic <$> ((string "/topic/" *> int) <* end)
-- obviously, the match function could be optimized
match : List (Parser Route) -> Url -> Maybe Route
match ps url
= if List.isEmpty ps
then Nothing
routeParser = Maybe.withDefault homeRouteParser (List.head ps)
case parse routeParser url of
((Done route), _) -> Just route
_ -> let
tail = Maybe.withDefault [] (List.tail ps)
match tail url
routeParsers : List (Parser Route)
routeParsers = [ homeRouteParser
, aboutRouteParser
, topicRouteParser
toMaybeInt : String -> Maybe Int
toMaybeInt str =
case (parse (int <* end) str ) of
((Done n), _) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
type alias Model =
currentRoute : Route
, topicNumber : Maybe Int
initialModel =
currentRoute = Home
, topicNumber = Nothing
currentRouteSignal : Signal Action
= (LatestRoute << (match routeParsers)) <~ path
newInputBox : Signal.Mailbox Action
= Signal.mailbox <| LatestRoute (Just Home)
addr = newInputBox.address
type Action
= LatestRoute (Maybe Route)
| UpdateUrl Route
| NoOp ()
| SetTopicNumber (Maybe Int)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model
= case action of
LatestRoute (Just route) -> ({ model | currentRoute <- route }, Effects.none)
LatestRoute Nothing -> ({ model | currentRoute <- Page404 }, Effects.none)
UpdateUrl route -> (model, pushPath route)
SetTopicNumber mInt -> ({ model | topicNumber <- mInt }, Effects.none)
NoOp _ -> (model, Effects.none)
pushPath : Route -> Effects Action
pushPath route =
setPath (convertRoute route) |> NoOp |> Effects.task
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
case model.currentRoute of
Home -> div [] [ h1 [] [
a [ onClick addr (UpdateUrl About) ]
[ text "This is the home page. Click for the about page." ]
About -> div [] [ div [] [ text "This is the about page. Please input a topic number (Integer)." ]
, input [ on "input" targetValue (\str -> message addr (SetTopicNumber (toMaybeInt str)))] []
, button [ onClick addr (getTopicNumber model.topicNumber) ] [ text "Click me!" ]
, text <| (if (isNothing model.topicNumber) then "You haven't entered a number." else "")
Topic num -> div [] [ h1 []
[ text <| "This is the topic page. You passed param: " ++ (toString num)]
a [ onClick addr (UpdateUrl Home)]
[ text "Click to go home." ]
Page404 -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "You gone done broke it now." ]
, a [ onClick addr (UpdateUrl Home) ] [ text "Go to the home page." ]
isNothing : Maybe a -> Bool
isNothing m =
case m of
Nothing -> True
_ -> False
getTopicNumber : Maybe Int -> Action
getTopicNumber mInt =
case mInt of
Just int -> UpdateUrl (Topic int)
_ -> NoOp ()
app : App Model
app = start { init = (initialModel, Effects.none)
, update = update
, view = view
, inputs = [ Signal.merge newInputBox.signal currentRouteSignal ]
port runner : Signal (Task.Task Effects.Never ())
port runner = app.tasks
main = app.html
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