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// ListDiff.swift
// cbnnews
// Created by Rodriguez, Jason on 11/18/17.
// Copyright © 2017 cbn. All rights reserved.
// From "A Technique for Isolating Differences Between Files" by Paul Heckel, Communications of the ACM, Volume 21(4), April 1978, pp. 264-268
import Foundation
private struct SymbolEntry {
var oldCount: Int
let oldPosition: Int?
let newPosition: Int?
var newCount: Int
private struct DiffArrayEntry {
var position: Int = 0
var symbolEntryKey: Int = 0
var isCommonUnique: Bool = false
var moved: Bool = false
class ListDiff<S: Sequence> where S.Element: Hashable {
private var processed = false
private var symbolTable: [Int: SymbolEntry] = [:]
private var oldSequenceArray: [DiffArrayEntry] = []
private var newSequenceArray: [DiffArrayEntry] = []
var deletedIndexes: [Int] {
if !processed {
var _deletedIndexes: [Int] = []
for oldObj in oldSequenceArray where !oldObj.moved {
return _deletedIndexes
var insertedIndexes: [Int] {
if !processed {
var _insertedIndexes: [Int] = []
for newObj in newSequenceArray where !newObj.moved {
return _insertedIndexes
var movedIndexes: [(from: Int, to: Int)] {
if !processed {
var _movedIndexes: [(from: Int, to: Int)] = []
for (num, newObj) in newSequenceArray.enumerated() where newObj.moved {
_movedIndexes.append((from: newObj.position, to: num))
return _movedIndexes
required init(oldSeq: S, newSeq: S) {
//pass #1 & #2
for (num, obj) in oldSeq.enumerated() {
oldSequenceArray.append(DiffArrayEntry(position: num, symbolEntryKey: obj.hashValue, isCommonUnique: false, moved: false))
if let current_symbol = symbolTable[obj.hashValue] {
symbolTable[obj.hashValue] = SymbolEntry(
oldCount: current_symbol.oldCount + 1,
oldPosition: num,
newPosition: current_symbol.newPosition,
newCount: current_symbol.newCount
} else {
symbolTable[obj.hashValue] = SymbolEntry(oldCount: 1, oldPosition: num, newPosition: nil, newCount: 0)
for (num, obj) in newSeq.enumerated() {
newSequenceArray.append(DiffArrayEntry(position: num, symbolEntryKey: obj.hashValue, isCommonUnique: false, moved: false))
if let current_symbol = symbolTable[obj.hashValue] {
symbolTable[obj.hashValue] = SymbolEntry(
oldCount: current_symbol.oldCount,
oldPosition: current_symbol.oldPosition,
newPosition: num,
newCount: current_symbol.newCount + 1
} else {
symbolTable[obj.hashValue] = SymbolEntry(oldCount: 0, oldPosition: nil, newPosition: num, newCount: 1)
private func process() {
//pass #3
symbolTable.forEach { (_, value) in
if value.newCount == 1 && value.oldCount == 1 {
newSequenceArray[value.newPosition!].position = value.oldPosition!
newSequenceArray[value.newPosition!].isCommonUnique = true
newSequenceArray[value.newPosition!].moved = true
oldSequenceArray[value.oldPosition!].position = value.newPosition!
oldSequenceArray[value.oldPosition!].isCommonUnique = true
oldSequenceArray[value.oldPosition!].moved = true
//pass #4
var found_common_line = true
//assume sentinel value for beginning of seq is in the array by indexing past the end of the array
var current_found_line = -1
for (num, newObj) in newSequenceArray.enumerated() {
if found_common_line {
guard let st_entry = symbolTable[newObj.symbolEntryKey] else { continue }
if st_entry.newCount > 0 && st_entry.oldCount > 0 {
if !newObj.isCommonUnique && newObj.symbolEntryKey == oldSequenceArray[safe: current_found_line + 1]?.symbolEntryKey {
oldSequenceArray[current_found_line + 1].position = num
oldSequenceArray[current_found_line + 1].moved = true
newSequenceArray[num].position = current_found_line + 1
newSequenceArray[num].moved = true
current_found_line += 1
} else {
found_common_line = false
if newObj.isCommonUnique {
found_common_line = true
current_found_line = newObj.position
//pass #5
found_common_line = true
//assume sentinel value for end of seq is in the array by indexing past the end of the array
current_found_line = oldSequenceArray.count
for (num, newObj) in newSequenceArray.enumerated().reversed() {
if found_common_line {
guard let st_entry = symbolTable[newObj.symbolEntryKey] else { continue }
if st_entry.newCount > 0 && st_entry.oldCount > 0 {
if !newObj.isCommonUnique && newObj.symbolEntryKey == oldSequenceArray[safe: current_found_line - 1]?.symbolEntryKey {
oldSequenceArray[current_found_line - 1].position = num
oldSequenceArray[current_found_line - 1].moved = true
newSequenceArray[num].position = current_found_line - 1
newSequenceArray[num].moved = true
current_found_line -= 1
} else {
found_common_line = false
if newObj.isCommonUnique {
found_common_line = true
current_found_line = newObj.position
processed = true
extension Collection {
/// Returns the element at the specified index iff it is within bounds, otherwise nil.
fileprivate subscript (safe index: Index) -> Element? {
return indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil
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