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Last active February 24, 2023 10:25
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import http from 'k6/http'
import { check, group, sleep } from "k6";
import { Counter, Rate, Trend } from "k6/metrics";
const URL_LAUNCHPAD = '';
// 1. init code
export let options = {
// stages: [
// { target: 200, duration: "1m" },
// { target: 200, duration: "3m" },
// { target: 0, duration: "1m" }
// ],
// thresholds: {
// "http_req_duration": ["p(95)<500"],
// "http_req_duration{staticAsset:yes}": ["p(95)<100"],
// "check_failure_rate": ["rate<0.3"]
// },
// ext: {
// loadimpact: {
// insights: {
// disabledSets: ['best_practice', 'health'],
// }
// }
// }
// 2. setup vu
export function setup() {
console.log("setup - btp launchpad authentication - default IDP");
let vuJar = http.cookieJar();
//const loginData = JSON.parse(open("./users.json"));
//let credentials = loginData.users[Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)];
const credentials = {
username: '',
password: '<<Password>>'
console.log("url 1 " + URL_LAUNCHPAD) //
let res = http.get(URL_LAUNCHPAD);
// extract values from the javascript in response which would normally set needed cookies
let [groupinput, signature, redirect] = /signature=(.*?);path=\/;Secure;SameSite=None;";location="(.*)"/.exec(res.body);
check(res, {
"has value 'signature'": (r) => signature.length > 0,
"has value 'redirect '": (r) => redirect.length > 0
// set cookies so the auth remembers the location to goto at the end of saml oauth dance
vuJar.set(URL_LAUNCHPAD, 'signature', signature);
vuJar.set(URL_LAUNCHPAD, 'fragmentAfterLogin', '');
vuJar.set(URL_LAUNCHPAD, 'locationAfterLogin', '%2Fsite'); //this got me good
console.log("url 2 " + redirect) //
res = http.get(redirect);
console.log("url 3 " + res.url) //
// get redirect from meta tag
redirect = decodeURI(res.html().find('meta[name=redirect]').attr('content'));
console.log("url 4 " + redirect) //
res = http.get(redirect);
console.log("url 5 " + res.url) //
res = res.submitForm();
console.log("url 6 " + res.url) //
res = res.submitForm({
fields: { j_username: credentials.username, j_password: credentials.password }
console.log("url 7 " + res.url) //
check(res, {
"status is 200'": (r) => res.status === 200
// share this users VCAP and JSESSION cookies for launchpad only
return vuJar.cookiesForURL(res.url);
// 3. virtual user tests
export default function main(cookiesForURL) {
let vuJar = http.cookieJar();
for (const property in cookiesForURL) {
vuJar.set(URL_LAUNCHPAD, property, cookiesForURL[property]);
// use har converter or browser recorder to capture tests based on actual user input
// a nice feature for generating tests from swagger / openai also
group('inital load of sflight app', () => {
const processorApp = `${URL_LAUNCHPAD}/0fa46d3c-d474-4562-9139-2ad535d3015c.sapfecapsflight.sapfecaptravel/~131222090331+0000~/processor/`;
console.log('inital load of sflight app')
// get metadata
let res = http.get(`${processorApp}/$metadata?sap-language=EN`);
/// initial get
res = http.get(`${processorApp}/Travel?$count=true&$skip=0&$top=30`);
// 4. teardown code
export function teardown() {
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