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Last active May 23, 2024 04:15
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Laravel PHP, Vue and Aimeos e-commerce 30-60 minutes interview questions

Laravel PHP, Vue and Aimeos e-commerce 30-60 minutes interview questions

General Questions:

  1. Can you walk me through your previous experience with Laravel and/or PHP? How have you applied those skills in past projects or roles? Did they teach you in school before actually using it as a developer?
  • This question helps you understand their hands-on experience with Laravel and PHP, as well as how they've applied those skills to real-world problems.
  1. Are you used to working as a freelancer alone or do you also have teamwork experience? What tools were used for project and code management?

  2. What type of e-commerce packages have you used for Laravel Vue applications? Give an example of a challenge you had setting things up.

  • This question helps you understand the candidate's knowledge of Laravel e-commerce implementations.

Technical Questions:

  1. How would you configure Aimeos e-commerce to use a custom shipping carrier (delivery provider) and rate calculator, and what are the key settings involved in the process?
  • This question checks if candidate knows Aimeos to a certain extent and whether he can quickly code up a delivery provider
  1. How would you load Aimeos JSON data into a Vue component? How would you let the component Load a specific product based on user input in settings?
  • This question evaluates knowledge of Aimeos JSON API and Vue general knowledge
  1. How do you import Aimeos migration tables into a database of choice avoiding the population of the main application database?
  • This question shows knowledge of Laravel migrations

60 minute interview additional questions

  1. Can you explain how to implement a custom payment gateway with Aimeos, and what are the key components involved in the process?
  • This question evaluates their knowledge of Aimeos' payment gateway integrat integration and its requirements.
  1. What's the difference between Laravel' s Eloquent and Query Builder? When would you use each?
  • This question tests their understanding of Laravel's ORM system
  1. Can you explain how to create a new RESTful API using Artisan commands and demonstrate the process by creating a simple "Users" API? Additionally, create a basic controller, model, and view for this API, and show how to route to it.

What we're looking for:

  • Knowledge of Artisan commands in Laravel
  • Understanding of RESTful API development in Laravel
  • Familiarity with creating controllers, models, and views in Laravel
  • Ability to demonstrate routing and URL generation


  • Make sure to explain each step clearly and concisely.
  • Show examples of code and output, rather than just describing them.
  • Emphasize the importance of RESTful API development and scalability in Laravel.
  • Be prepared to answer follow-up questions about the code you've written.
  1. What is the purpose of the mapState helper function in Vuex, and how would you use it to connect your Vue component to the store? Can you provide an example of when you would use it?
  • This question tests their understanding of Vuex's state management features and how they're used to connect components to the store.
  1. What are the key differences between Vue.js 1.x, 2.x and or vue 3.x? How have you used these features in your projects?
  • This question helps you understand their familiarity with Vue's version
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