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Last active May 8, 2021 07:52
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import { Controller } from "stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
// this method is called when Stimulus attaches this
// class to an instance of a controller. It's like a
// constructor but I think it's when all the setup is done
// and we're ready to get started. That's how I use it anyway!
connect() {
this.updating = false // by default, we're not updating anything
this.timer = false // when updating on keypresses, we only do this on a timeout to reduce the number of requests sent
this.waiter = false // if a request is being sent at the same time as another, we need to wait but run anyway so we will check until this.updating is false again
this.lastSetQuantity = -1 // set the default to a value we never send, so that the first one is always successful
// this method is called directly by the blur event
updateQuantity(event) {
this.clearTimer() // any timers that didn't run yet can be cancelled in favour of this update
this.setCurrentQuantity() // try to set the current quantity
// this method is called directly by the keypress event
startTimer() {
this.clearTimer() // clear our old timers
this.timer = setTimeout(this.setCurrentQuantity.bind(this), 500) // try to set the current quantity, same as blur
// clear all running timers
// this may seem odd, but if we have waiters, we want the incoming timer to supersede
// them so they're safe to be trashed
clearTimer() {
setCurrentQuantity() {
if (this.updating) {
this.waitThenRun() // if an update is already running, we spawn our waiter
return // then we're done here - this method will be re-entered when our waiter is done
// we aren't updating, but the value we're trying to set is the same
// as the last one, so running again would be redundant
if (this.lastSetQuantity == this.currentQuantity) {
this.updating = true // we're now updating
// build the data we're going to send to the server
const data = {
quantity: this.currentQuantity,
// I hate configuring URLs in JS. I always prefer to read them
// from data attributes controlled by my server, since the server
// is responsible for defining routes
fetch(this.endpoint, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(data)
}).then(r => r.json())
// shorthand to get my URL for fetch
get endpoint() {
return this.quantityTarget.dataset.endpoint
// shorthand to read the current value of the field we're editing
get currentQuantity() {
return this.quantityTarget.value
// method to update my UI
doneUpdating(response) {
this.updating = false // we're done updating - let anyone who's waiting run
this.lastSetQuantity = // the last successfully-set value
// any other UI updates here
waitThenRun() {
// there's already a timer running, we don't need another
if (this.waiter) {
return false
// wait for the update to be done, checking occasionally
this.waiter = setInterval(this.checkAndUpdate.bind(this), 1000)
checkAndUpdate() {
// updates we were waiting for are done
if (!this.updating) {
// we only clear the waiter here because the other timer might be
// waiting for typing to be finished and it's irrelevant to clear
// that here
// and this is what we've been waiting for!
// Stimulus stuff
static get targets() {
return [
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