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Created August 25, 2018 12:16
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Display an image in the terminal using w3mimagedisplay
import Control.Monad (unless)
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified System.Process as Process
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
newtype W3mImageDisplay = W3mImageDisplay FilePath deriving (Show)
findW3mImageDisplay :: IO W3mImageDisplay
findW3mImageDisplay = do
exists <- Directory.doesFileExist path
unless exists $ fail $ path ++ " not found"
perms <- Directory.getPermissions path
unless (Directory.executable perms) $ fail $ path ++ " not executable"
return $ W3mImageDisplay path
path = "/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay"
-- | Parses something of the form "<width> <height>\n".
parseWidthHeight :: String -> Maybe (Int, Int)
parseWidthHeight output = case words output of
[ws, hs] | Just w <- readMaybe ws, Just h <- readMaybe hs ->
return (w, h)
_ -> Nothing
getTerminalSize :: W3mImageDisplay -> IO (Int, Int)
getTerminalSize (W3mImageDisplay w3mImageDisplay) = do
output <- Process.readProcess w3mImageDisplay ["-test"] ""
case parseWidthHeight output of
Just wh -> return wh
_ -> fail "Could not parse `w3mimgdisplay -test` output"
getImageSize :: W3mImageDisplay -> FilePath -> IO (Int, Int)
getImageSize (W3mImageDisplay w3mImageDisplay) path = do
output <- Process.readProcess w3mImageDisplay [] ("5;" ++ path ++ "\n")
case parseWidthHeight output of
Just wh -> return wh
_ -> fail "Could not parse image size"
drawImage :: W3mImageDisplay -> FilePath -> IO ()
drawImage w3m@(W3mImageDisplay w3mImageDisplay) path = do
tsize <- getTerminalSize w3m
isize <- getImageSize w3m path
let (x, y, w, h) = fit tsize isize
command =
"0;1;" ++
show x ++ ";" ++ show y ++ ";" ++ show w ++ ";" ++ show h ++
";;;;;" ++ path ++ "\n4;\n3;\n"
_ <- Process.readProcess w3mImageDisplay [] command
return ()
fit :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
fit (tw, th) (iw0, ih0) =
-- Scale down to width
let iw1 = if iw0 > tw then tw else iw0
ih1 = if iw0 > tw then ((ih0 * tw) `div` iw0) else ih0
-- Scale down to height
iw2 = if ih1 > th then ((iw1 * th) `div` ih1) else iw1
ih2 = if ih1 > th then th else ih1
-- Find position
x = (tw - iw2) `div` 2
y = (th - ih2) `div` 2 in
(x, y, iw2, ih2)
main :: IO ()
main = do
[path] <- getArgs
w3m <- findW3mImageDisplay
drawImage w3m path
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