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Created June 11, 2011 09:35
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NDFSM toy implementation
module Ndfsm
( State (..)
, Transitions
, Ndfsm
, fromTransition
, fromTransitions
, fromAccepting
, fromStart
, lookupTransitions
, eps
, TransitionsM
, (-->)
, epsTransitions
, NdfsmM
, newState
, transitions
, accepting
, start
, ndsfm
, simulate
) where
import Control.Monad (mplus)
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, WriterT, tell, execWriter, execWriterT)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mappend, mconcat)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as MS (State, get, put, evalState)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- Core types --
-- | Identifies a state
newtype State = State {unState :: Int}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A transition table for a state
newtype Transitions a = Transitions {unTransitions :: Map (Maybe a) (Set State)}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Ord a => Monoid (Transitions a) where
mempty = Transitions M.empty
mappend x y = Transitions $
M.unionWith S.union (unTransitions x) (unTransitions y)
-- | Non-deterministic finite state machine
data Ndfsm a = Ndfsm
{ ndfsmTransitions :: Map State (Transitions a)
, ndfsmAccepting :: Set State
, ndfsmStart :: Maybe State
} deriving (Show)
instance Ord a => Monoid (Ndfsm a) where
mempty = Ndfsm M.empty S.empty Nothing
mappend x y = Ndfsm
(ndfsmTransitions x `mappend` ndfsmTransitions y)
(ndfsmAccepting x `mappend` ndfsmAccepting y)
(ndfsmStart x `mplus` ndfsmStart y)
-- Core operations --
fromTransition :: Ord a => Maybe a -> State -> Transitions a
fromTransition x = Transitions . M.singleton x . S.singleton
fromTransitions :: Ord a => State -> Transitions a -> Ndfsm a
fromTransitions s t = Ndfsm (M.singleton s t) S.empty Nothing
fromAccepting :: Ord a => Set State -> Ndfsm a
fromAccepting a = mempty {ndfsmAccepting = a}
fromStart :: Ord a => State -> Ndfsm a
fromStart s = mempty {ndfsmStart = Just s}
lookupTransitions :: Ord a => State -> Maybe a -> Ndfsm a -> Set State
lookupTransitions s x m = fromMaybe S.empty $ do
t <- M.lookup s $ ndfsmTransitions m
M.lookup x $ unTransitions t
eps :: Ord a => State -> Ndfsm a -> Set State
eps s m = eps' (S.singleton s) [s]
eps' r [] = r
eps' r n =
let n' = S.unions $ map (\x -> lookupTransitions x Nothing m) n
in eps' (r `S.union` n') (S.toList $ n' `S.difference` r)
-- Construction DSL for transitions --
type TransitionsM a b = Writer (Transitions a) b
(-->) :: Ord a => a -> State -> TransitionsM a ()
(-->) x s = tell $ fromTransition (Just x) s
epsTransitions :: Ord a => [State] -> TransitionsM a ()
epsTransitions = tell . mconcat . map (fromTransition Nothing)
-- Construction DSL for NDFSM's --
type NdfsmM a b = WriterT (Ndfsm a) (MS.State Int) b
newState :: Ord a => NdfsmM a State
newState = do
i <- MS.get
MS.put $ i + 1
return $ State {unState = i}
transitions :: Ord a => State -> TransitionsM a () -> NdfsmM a ()
transitions s = tell . fromTransitions s . execWriter
accepting :: Ord a => [State] -> NdfsmM a ()
accepting = tell . fromAccepting . S.fromList
start :: Ord a => State -> NdfsmM a ()
start = tell . fromStart
ndsfm :: Ord a => NdfsmM a () -> Ndfsm a
ndsfm n = MS.evalState (execWriterT n) 0
-- Simulation --
simulate :: Ord a => Ndfsm a -> [a] -> Bool
simulate m input = case ndfsmStart m of
Nothing -> error "No starting state specified!"
Just start' -> simulate' (eps start' m) input
-- No more input, check that at least one state is accepting
simulate' st [] = not $ S.null $ st `S.intersection` ndfsmAccepting m
simulate' st (c : cs)
| S.null st = False -- Shortcut quit when no more states are found
| otherwise =
let st' = S.unions $ map (\x -> eps x m) $ S.toList
$ S.unions $ map (\x -> lookupTransitions x (Just c) m)
$ S.toList st
in simulate' st' cs
import Ndfsm
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
noMoreThanOneB :: Ndfsm Char
noMoreThanOneB = ndsfm $ do
s <- newState
t <- newState
start s
accepting [s, t]
transitions s $ do
'a' --> s
'b' --> t
transitions t $ do
'a' --> t
missingLetter :: Ndfsm Char
missingLetter = ndsfm $ do
[q0, notA, notB, notC, notD] <- replicateM 5 newState
start q0
accepting [notA, notB, notC, notD]
transitions q0 $ do
epsTransitions [notA, notB, notC, notD]
transitions notA $ do
'b' --> notA
'c' --> notA
'd' --> notA
transitions notB $ do
'a' --> notB
'c' --> notB
'd' --> notB
transitions notC $ do
'a' --> notC
'b' --> notC
'd' --> notC
transitions notD $ do
'a' --> notD
'b' --> notD
'c' --> notD
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