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Created October 10, 2011 20:58
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Type restrictions for the Haskell Websockets library
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleInstances #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
data Message = Text String | Binary String
class Protocol p where
version :: p -> String
sendMessage :: p -> Message -> IO ()
implementations :: [p]
type WebSockets p a = ReaderT p IO a
getVersion :: Protocol p => WebSockets p String
getVersion = version `fmap` ask
data Hybi00_ = Hybi00_ deriving (Show)
instance Protocol Hybi00_ where
version _ = "Hybi00"
sendMessage _ (Text str) = putStrLn $ "[Hybi00] " ++ str
sendMessage _ (Binary _) = error "Hybi00 cannot send binary!"
implementations = [Hybi00_]
data Hybi00 = forall p. Protocol p => Hybi00 p
instance Protocol Hybi00 where
version (Hybi00 p) = version p
sendMessage (Hybi00 p) = sendMessage p
implementations = [Hybi00 Hybi10_, Hybi00 Hybi00_]
data Hybi10_ = Hybi10_ deriving (Show)
instance Protocol Hybi10_ where
version _ = "Hybi10"
sendMessage _ (Text str) = putStrLn $ "[Hybi10, Text] " ++ str
sendMessage _ (Binary str) = putStrLn $ "[Hybi10, Binary] " ++ str
implementations = [Hybi10_]
data Hybi10 = forall p. Protocol p => Hybi10 p
instance Protocol Hybi10 where
version (Hybi10 p) = version p
sendMessage (Hybi10 p) = sendMessage p
implementations = [Hybi10 Hybi10_]
class Protocol p => TextProtocol p
instance TextProtocol Hybi00
instance TextProtocol Hybi10
class Protocol p => BinaryProtocol p
instance BinaryProtocol Hybi10
sendText :: TextProtocol p => String -> WebSockets p ()
sendText text = ask >>= liftIO . flip sendMessage (Text text)
sendBinary :: BinaryProtocol p => String -> WebSockets p ()
sendBinary binary = ask >>= liftIO . flip sendMessage (Binary binary)
runWebSockets :: Protocol p => WebSockets p () -> IO ()
runWebSockets ws = do
-- Choose an implementation. In more realistic situations, the client and
-- server will negotiate about this.
let impls = implementations
r <- randomRIO (0, length impls - 1)
let implementation = impls !! r
-- Run using the selected implementation
runReaderT ws implementation
-- | A very simple program
program00 :: TextProtocol p => WebSockets p ()
program00 = sendText "Hello, world!"
-- | A more complex program (we require features from a later spec)
program10 :: (TextProtocol p, BinaryProtocol p) => WebSockets p ()
program10 = do
sendText "Hello, world!"
sendBinary "Hello, world!"
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