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Created January 5, 2012 16:26
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Save jaspervdj/1565984 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Suboptimal, quick and dirty Haskell mastermind solver
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
type Code = [Char]
universe :: [Code]
universe = universe' (4 :: Int)
universe' 0 = [[]]
universe' n = [x : xs | x <- ['0' .. '9'], xs <- universe' (n - 1)]
feedback :: Code -- ^ True value
-> Code -- ^ Guess
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ (Right, Wrong place)
feedback code guess =
let (r, code', guess') = right code guess
m = misplaced code' guess'
in (r, m)
right :: Code -> Code -> (Int, Code, Code)
right [] _ = (0, [], [])
right _ [] = (0, [], [])
right (x : xs) (y : ys)
| x == y = (n + 1, xs', ys')
| otherwise = (n, x : xs', y : ys')
(n, xs', ys') = right xs ys
misplaced :: Code -> Code -> Int
misplaced _ [] = 0
misplaced code (x : xs) = case break (== x) code of
(a, (_ : b)) -> 1 + misplaced (a ++ b) xs
_ -> misplaced code xs
search :: IO ()
search = do
putStrLn "=> 0011"
search' "0011" universe
search' :: Code -> [Code] -> IO ()
search' code possible = do
putStrLn $ show (length possible) ++ " possibilities remaining"
[r, m] <- map read . words <$> getLine
let possible' = filter (\x -> feedback x code == (r, m)) possible
guess = head possible'
putStrLn $ "=> " ++ guess
case possible' of
[] -> putStrLn "Impossible!"
[_] -> return ()
_ -> search' guess possible'
main :: IO ()
main = search
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