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Created August 2, 2012 16:05
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Simple Haskell AI for the classic connect four game
import Data.List (foldl', maximumBy)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
data Player = X | O
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)
showTile :: Maybe Player -> Char
showTile Nothing = ' '
showTile (Just X) = 'X'
showTile (Just O) = 'O'
data Field = Field
{ fieldRows :: Int
, fieldColumns :: Int
, fieldTiles :: Map (Int, Int) Player
instance Show Field where
show field@(Field rows columns _) = unlines $
[ concat [show i | i <- [0 .. columns - 1]]
] ++
[ [showTile (get row column field) | column <- [0 .. columns - 1]]
| row <- [0 .. rows - 1]
emptyField :: Int -> Int -> Field
emptyField rows columns = Field rows columns M.empty
get :: Int -> Int -> Field -> Maybe Player
get row column = M.lookup (row, column) . fieldTiles
push :: Int -> Player -> Field -> Field
push column tile field@(Field rows columns tiles)
| column < 0 || column >= columns = field
| row < 0 = field
| otherwise =
Field rows columns $ M.insert (row, column) tile tiles
row = topOfStack column field - 1
topOfStack :: Int -> Field -> Int
topOfStack column field@(Field rows _ _) = go 0
go row
| row > rows = rows
| get row column field /= Nothing = row
| otherwise = go (row + 1)
connections :: Int -> Field -> [[(Int, Int)]]
connections len (Field rows columns _) =
-- Horizontal
[ [(r, c + i) | i <- is]
| r <- [0 .. rows - 1], c <- [0 .. columns - len]
] ++
-- Vertical
[ [(r + i, c) | i <- is]
| r <- [0 .. rows - len], c <- [0 .. columns - 1]
] ++
-- Diagonal: top left to bottom right
[ [(r + i, c + i) | i <- is]
| r <- [0 .. rows - len], c <- [0 .. columns - len]
] ++
-- Diagonal: bottom left to top right
[ [(r + i, c - i) | i <- is]
| r <- [0 .. rows - len], c <- [len - 1 .. columns - 1]
is = [0 .. len - 1]
count :: [Maybe Player] -> Maybe (Player, Int)
count tiles = case catMaybes tiles of
[] -> Nothing
(x : xs)
| all (== x) xs -> Just (x, length xs + 1)
| otherwise -> Nothing
frequencies :: Int -> Field -> Player -> Int -> Int
frequencies len field =
let map' = foldl' step M.empty $ connections len field
in \p l -> fromMaybe 0 $ M.lookup (p, l) map'
step freqs connection =
let tiles = map (\(r, c) -> get r c field) connection
in case count tiles of
Just c -> M.insertWith' (+) c 1 freqs
Nothing -> freqs
winner :: Int -> Field -> Maybe Player
winner len field = listToMaybe
[ p
| p <- [minBound .. maxBound]
, frequencies' p len > 0
frequencies' = frequencies len field
score :: Int -> Field -> Player -> Int
score len field me = sum
[ sign * score' * frequencies' p l
| p <- [minBound .. maxBound]
, l <- [1 .. len]
, let sign = if p == me then 1 else -1
, let score' = l ^ (2 * l)
frequencies' = frequencies len field
ai :: Int -> Field -> Player -> Int
ai len field me = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd)
[ (col, score len (push col me field) me)
| col <- [0 .. fieldColumns field - 1]
main :: IO ()
main = go (cycle players) $ emptyField 7 9
players :: [(Player, Int -> Field -> IO Int)]
players =
[ (X, \_ _ -> readLn)
, (O, \len field -> return $ ai len field O)
go [] _ = return ()
go ((p, pf) : ps) field = do
putStr $ show field
case winner 4 field of
Just w -> putStrLn $ "Player " ++ show w ++ " wins!"
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ "Player " ++ show p ++ " takes a turn!"
n <- pf 4 field
go ps $ push n p field
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