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Created March 19, 2010 14:01
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Draft of BlazeHtml by simon meier
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- | Another draft of an API for a blazingly fast Html generation library.
-- Here we take the following approach.
-- (1) We define a Html typeclass for the basic combinators required to build
-- well-formed Html documents. Part of their semantics is defined by
-- equalities they satisfy.
-- (2) Based upon these combinators we build the whole set of combinators
-- required for a convenient specification of Html documents.
-- (3) We provide an instance of the Html typeclass that handles the
-- common use of outputting a Html document using some IO action.
-- We make sure to configure the compiler such that all the abstraction
-- penalties are removed.
-- Compared to the draft on
-- this approach has the advantage that users of the library are not tied to
-- the IO monad for using a Html document, while still getting the good speed
-- for the case of outputting the document using IO. A typical case where the
-- user wouldn't want to use the super fast execution path is when debugging
-- the html output. There a pretty printing outputer is more suitable.
module ClassyHtml where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as IO
infix 1 </
infix 1 <!
infixl 1 !
-- Html Typeclass
-- | Attributes as an association list.
type Attributes = [(Text,Text)]
-- | Any Html document is a monoid. Furthermore, the following equalities hold.
-- renderText mempty = mempty
-- renderText t1 `mappend` renderText t2 = renderText (t1 `mappend` t2)
-- modifyAttributes f (modifyAttributes g h) = modifyAttributes (g.f) h
-- modifyAttributes f (renderText t) = renderText t
-- renderElement t h = renderElement t (modifyAttributes (const []) h)
-- Note that the interface below may be extended, if a performing
-- implementation requires it.
class Monoid h => Html h where
-- | Render text -- no escaping is done.
-- NOTE: A good suggestion for handling escaping is required. I guess its not
-- utterly difficult, but I haven't had time to think it throug toroughly.
renderText :: Text -> h
-- | Render a leaf element with the given tag name.
renderLeafElement :: Text -> h
-- | Render an element with the given tag name and the given inner html.
renderElement :: Text -> h -> h
-- | Set the attributes of the outermost element.
modifyAttributes :: (Attributes -> Attributes) -> h -> h
-- Derived combinators
-- | Set the attributes of a Html document.
(!) :: Html h => h -> Attributes -> h
html ! attrs = modifyAttributes (const attrs) html
-- | Set the attributes of an element accepting a list of inner html elements.
(<!) :: Html h => (h -> h) -> Attributes -> [h] -> h
(<!) e attrs inner = e (mconcat inner) ! attrs
-- | Set the inner html to a list of inner html elements
(</) :: Html h => (h -> h) -> [h] -> h
(</) e inner = e $ mconcat inner
-- Concrete Html combinators
em :: Html h => h -> h
em = renderElement "em"
h1 :: Html h => Text -> h
h1 = renderElement "h1" . renderText
img :: Html h => Text -> Text -> h
img src alt = renderLeafElement "img" ! [("src", src), ("alt", alt)]
p :: Html h => h -> h
p = renderElement "p"
-- | Render text such that 'text t1 `mappend` text t2 = mconcat [" ",t1," ",t2]'.
-- The above property ensures that words from separate 'text' combinators don't
-- get concatenated in the Html document; c.f. the last paragraph in the
-- example in the source code below.
text :: Html h => Text -> h
text = renderText . (mappend " ")
-- An example for testing
test :: Html h => h
test = mconcat
[ h1 "ClassyHtml" ! [("id", "header")]
, img "logo.png" "ClassyHtml logo"
, p <! [("id","explanation")] $
[ text "ClassyHtml is a blazingly fast HTML combinator library."
, em $ text "ClassyHtml is based on a Html typeclass together with \
\a set of custom combinators."
, text "This gives us quite readable code and nice \
\generalization possibilities."
, p </
[ text "Developed by Zack Branigan"
, text "and Leela Taranga"
-- An instance of a Html document outputting everything to IO
-- | A text outputting function.
type Outputter = Text -> IO ()
-- | This type explains the approach taken in
-- as a special instance of the Html typeclass. The only difference is that
-- we require setting of attributes to explicitly mention the Html element that
-- should receive these attributes.
newtype HtmlIO =
HtmlIO { runHtmlIO :: ReaderT Outputter (ReaderT Attributes IO) () }
-- | Retrieve the outputer from the outer reader and lift it.
getOutputter = (liftIO.) `liftM` ask
-- | Retrieve the attributes from
getAttributes = lift ask
-- | Helper function to render the attributes.
renderAttributes :: Attributes -> Text
renderAttributes [] = T.empty
renderAttributes t = T.init . foldr append mempty $ t
append (k, v) = mappend (mconcat [" ", k, "=\"", v, "\""])
instance Monoid HtmlIO where
mempty = HtmlIO $ return ()
mappend m1 m2 = HtmlIO $ runHtmlIO m1 >> runHtmlIO m2
instance Html HtmlIO where
renderText t = HtmlIO $ do
out <- getOutputter
out t
renderLeafElement t = HtmlIO $ do
out <- getOutputter
attrs <- getAttributes
out $ "<" `mappend` t `mappend` " "
out $ renderAttributes attrs
out $ "/>"
modifyAttributes f h =
HtmlIO $ ReaderT $ \out -> local f (runReaderT (runHtmlIO h) out)
renderElement t h = HtmlIO $ do
out <- getOutputter
attrs <- getAttributes
out $ "<" `mappend` t
out $ renderAttributes attrs
out $ ">"
runHtmlIO $ modifyAttributes (const []) h
out $ "</" `mappend` t `mappend` ">"
-- | Output html to stdout.
renderHtmlIO :: HtmlIO -> IO ()
renderHtmlIO = (`runReaderT` []) . (`runReaderT` IO.putStr) . runHtmlIO
-- The goal is then to optimize the compiler output when using 'renderHtmlIO h'
-- for some 'Html h'.
-- This should be achievable using specialize pragmas and probably some
-- inlining and rewritting; e.g.
{-# SPECIALIZE test :: HtmlIO #-}
-- A try for a monadic interface
-- The original draft featured a monadic interface for building Html documents.
-- I don't see a difference in runtime, as appropriate compiler transformations
-- blow away the fixed lists documents are constructed from now.
-- However, the monadic interface also allows for a few operators less, which is
-- a desirable property -- provided the semantics stays reasonable.
-- There may be a possibility to realize this syntax by instantiating a writer
-- monad appropriatly. However, I did not succeed yet, as type inference comes
-- up with too general types for the applications of the monadic bind.
-- As far as I understand it, the core of the problem is the desire to reuse
-- the combinators which have already been defined for Html documents. If we
-- would introduce separate monadic versions this problem would go away.
-- Note that the stuff below is nothing but a half developed draft.
renderDefault :: Writer HtmlIO () -> IO ()
renderDefault = renderHtmlIO . snd . runWriter
type HtmlBuilder h a = Writer h a
instance Monoid h => Monoid (Writer h ()) where
mempty = return ()
mappend m1 m2 = m1 >> m2
instance Html h => Html (Writer h ()) where
renderText = tell . renderText
renderLeafElement = tell . renderLeafElement
renderElement t = tell . renderElement t . snd . runWriter
modifyAttributes f = tell . modifyAttributes f . snd . runWriter
data HtmlMonad h a = HtmlMonad () h
instance Html h => Monad (HtmlMonad h) where
return = HtmlMonad ()
{- The example from the original draft. It doesn't compile yet due to type
- inference producing too general types.
main = renderDefault $ do
h1 "BlazeHtml" ! [("id", "header")]
img "logo.png" "BlazeHtml logo"
p $ do text "BlazeHtml is a blazing fast HTML combinator library."
em $ text "BlazeHtml uses a monadic interface."
text "This gives us very readable code."
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