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Created November 2, 2010 15:09
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-- | Proof-of-concept: use digestive functors for a command line interface
-- prompt
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module IncrementalCli where
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mappend)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Char (isLower)
import Text.Digestive.Result
import Text.Digestive.Types
import Text.Digestive.Validate
import Text.Digestive.Transform
import qualified Text.Digestive.Common as Common
newtype Descriptions = Descriptions
{ unDescriptions :: Map FormId [String]
} deriving (Show)
instance Monoid Descriptions where
mempty = Descriptions mempty
mappend (Descriptions m1) (Descriptions m2) =
Descriptions $ M.unionWith (++) m1 m2
type Prompt a = Form IO String String Descriptions a
-- | Remove the descriptions for the inputs already in the input map.
neededDescriptions :: InputMap -> Descriptions -> Descriptions
neededDescriptions (InputMap inputMap) =
Descriptions . M.filterWithKey notInInput . unDescriptions
notInInput k _ = k `notElem` map fst inputMap
-- | Add errors to the descriptions
addErrors :: [(FormRange, String)] -> Descriptions -> Descriptions
addErrors errors (Descriptions descr) = Descriptions $ foldl add' descr errors
add' map' ((FormRange x _, e)) = M.insertWith (++) x [e] map'
newtype InputMap = InputMap
{ unInputMap :: [(FormId, String)]
} deriving (Show, Monoid)
inputMapEnvironment :: Monad m => InputMap -> Environment m String
inputMapEnvironment map' = Environment $ return . flip lookup (unInputMap map')
promptOnce :: Descriptions -> IO (FormId, String)
promptOnce (Descriptions descr)
| M.null descr = error "No descriptions!"
| otherwise = do putStrLn ""
mapM_ putStrLn description
putStr "> "
(,) key <$> getLine
(key, description) = M.findMin descr
-- | Remove all input for which errors are found
removeInvalidInput :: InputMap -> [(FormRange, String)] -> InputMap
removeInvalidInput = foldl removeInvalidInput'
removeInvalidInput' :: InputMap -> (FormRange, String) -> InputMap
removeInvalidInput' (InputMap map') (range, _) =
InputMap $ filter (not . flip isInRange range . fst) map'
runPrompt :: Prompt a -> IO a
runPrompt form = prompt' mempty
prompt' inputMap = do
(v, r) <- runForm form "form" $ inputMapEnvironment inputMap
case r of
Ok x -> return x
Error e -> do let inputMap' = removeInvalidInput inputMap e
descr = addErrors e
$ neededDescriptions inputMap' (unView v [])
input' <- promptOnce descr
prompt' $ inputMap' `mappend` InputMap [input']
prompt :: String -> Prompt String
prompt descr = Common.input (const $ const $ const [])
(\x _ -> Descriptions $ M.singleton x [descr])
toResult Nothing _ = Error []
toResult (Just x) _ = Ok x
data User = User
{ userName :: String
, userAge :: Int
} deriving (Show)
userPrompt :: Prompt User
userPrompt = User <$> prompt "Name" `validate` check "Must be lower" (all isLower)
<*> prompt "Age" `transform` transformRead "Can't read age"
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