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Created January 31, 2011 12:09
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Save jaspervdj/803950 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Solver for LZ77 exercises
-- lz77.lua
module(..., package.seeall)
-- Length of the common prefix of str1 and str2
function equal_characters(str1, str2)
-- Shortest length
local len
if string.len(str1) < string.len(str2) then
len = string.len(str1)
len = string.len(str2)
-- Loop while equal...
local i = 1
while i <= len and string.sub(str1, i, i) == string.sub(str2, i, i) do
i = i + 1
-- Return common prefix length
if i <= len then
return i - 1
return len
-- LZ77 compression, write to stdout
function lz77(text, sliding_window_length)
sliding_window_length = sliding_window_length or 6
local offset = 1
local reached_eof = false
while not reached_eof do
-- Find the sliding window
local sliding_window_offset = offset - sliding_window_length
if sliding_window_offset < 1 then sliding_window_offset = 1 end
local sliding_window =
string.sub(text, sliding_window_offset, offset - 1)
-- The part of the text that matters
local offset_text = string.sub(text, offset)
-- Find the longest match in the sliding window
local longest = 0
local longest_position = 0
for i = 1, string.len(sliding_window) do
local n = equal_characters(string.sub(sliding_window, i), offset_text)
if n > longest then
longest = n
longest_position = i
-- Determine follower
local follower_position = offset + longest
local follower
if follower_position <= string.len(text) then
follower = string.sub(text, follower_position, follower_position)
follower = "EOF"
reached_eof = true
-- Output results
print(string.format("(%d, %d, %s)", longest_position, longest, follower))
-- Continue
offset = follower_position + 1
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