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Created March 27, 2011 08:50
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Save jaspervdj/889061 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Draft of a new dependency analyzer for Hakyll
import Prelude hiding (reverse)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty)
import Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph
-- | This data structure represents the state of the dependency analyzer. It
-- holds a complete graph in 'analyzerGraph', which always contains all items,
-- whether they are to be compiled or not.
-- The 'analyzerRemains' fields holds the items that still need to be compiled,
-- and 'analyzerDone' holds the items which are already compiled. This means
-- that initally, 'analyzerDone' is empty and 'analyzerRemains' contains the
-- items which are out-of-date (or items which have out-of-date dependencies).
-- We also hold the dependency graph from the previous run because we need it
-- when we want to determine when an item is out-of-date. An item is out-of-date
-- when:
-- * the resource from which it compiles is out-of-date, or;
-- * any of it's dependencies is out-of-date, or;
-- * it's set of dependencies has changed since the previous run.
data DependencyAnalyzer a = DependencyAnalyzer
{ -- | The complete dependency graph
analyzerGraph :: DirectedGraph a
, -- | A set of items yet to be compiled
analyzerRemains :: Set a
, -- | A set of items already compiled
analyzerDone :: Set a
, -- | The dependency graph from the previous run
analyzerPreviousGraph :: DirectedGraph a
data Signal a = Build a
| Cycle
| Done
instance Ord a => Monoid (DependencyAnalyzer a) where
mempty = DependencyAnalyzer mempty mempty mempty mempty
DependencyAnalyzer g1 r1 d1 p1 `mappend` DependencyAnalyzer g2 r2 d2 p2 =
growRemains $ DependencyAnalyzer (mappend g1 g2) (mappend r1 r2)
(mappend d1 d2) (mappend p1 p2)
-- | The 'analyzerRemains' field of a 'DependencyAnalyzer' is supposed to
-- contain all out-of-date items, including the items with out-of-date
-- dependencies. However, it is easier to just set up the directly out-of-date
-- items initially -- and then grow the remains fields.
-- This function assumes the 'analyzerRemains' fields in incomplete, and tries
-- to correct it. Running it when the field is complete has no effect -- but it
-- is a pretty expensive function, and it should be used with care.
growRemains :: Ord a => DependencyAnalyzer a -> DependencyAnalyzer a
growRemains (DependencyAnalyzer graph remains done prev) =
(DependencyAnalyzer graph remains' done prev)
-- Grow the remains set using the indirect and changedDeps values, then
-- filter out the items already done
remains' = S.filter (`S.notMember` done) $
remains `S.union` indirect `S.union` changedDeps
-- Select the nodes which are reachable from the remaining nodes in the
-- reversed dependency graph: these are the indirectly out-of-date items
indirect = reachableNodes remains $ reverse graph
-- For all nodes in the graph, check which items have a different dependency
-- set compared to the previous run
changedDeps = S.fromList $ map fst $
filter (uncurry (/=) . first (`neighbours` prev)) $ toList graph
-- | Step a dependency analyzer
step :: Ord a => DependencyAnalyzer a -> (Signal a, DependencyAnalyzer a)
step analyzer@(DependencyAnalyzer graph remains done prev)
-- No remaining items
| S.null remains = (Done, analyzer)
-- An item remains, let's find a ready item
| otherwise =
let item = S.findMin remains
in case findReady item S.empty analyzer of
Done -> (Done, analyzer)
Cycle -> (Cycle, analyzer)
-- A ready item was found, signal a build
Build build ->
let remains' = S.delete build remains
done' = S.insert build done
in (Build build, DependencyAnalyzer graph remains' done' prev)
-- | Find an item ready to be compiled
findReady :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> DependencyAnalyzer a -> Signal a
findReady item visited analyzer
-- We already visited this item, cycle detected!
| item `S.member` visited = Cycle
-- The item is ready, return it
| isReady = Build item
-- Continue our search: find a neighbour we haven't visited yet
| otherwise = case filter (`S.notMember` visited) neighbours' of
-- No neighbours available: cycle!
[] -> Cycle
-- At least one neighbour is available, search for that one
(x : _) -> findReady x visited' analyzer
-- The dependency graph
graph = analyzerGraph analyzer
-- Our neighbours
neighbours' = S.toList $ neighbours item graph
-- The new visited set
visited' = S.insert item visited
-- Check if a certain item is ready to be compiled
isReady = all (`S.member` analyzerDone analyzer) neighbours'
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