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#!/usr/bin/env php
//Read CSV
//Open the file with correct path.
$fileHandle = fopen("/localpath/sites.csv", "r");
//Loop through the CSV rows.
while (($row = fgetcsv($fileHandle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) {
//Dump out the row for the sake of clarity.
//Generate json params
$params =
[ 'extensions' =>
'Behat\MinkExtension' =>
'base_url' => 'https://' . $row[1]
"emuse\BehatHTMLFormatter\BehatHTMLFormatterExtension" =>
"file_name" => $row[0]
$params = json_encode($params);
//Export json Params and run behat test
$json = "export BEHAT_PARAMS='" . $params . "'";
echo exec($json . "&& bin/behat");
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