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Created January 16, 2013 02:01
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A ``ReactorlessCommando`` subclass that allows for running multiple Commando instances in the same program under the same reactor by preventing the instances from doing it themselves.
# - Running multiple Commando's in the same script
from trigger.cmds import Commando as CommandoBase
from twisted.internet import defer, task, reactor
from twisted.python import log
import sys
# Uncomment me for verbose logging.
#log.startLogging(sys.stdout, setStdout=False)
class ReactorlessCommando(CommandoBase):
A reactor-less Commando subclass.
This allows multiple instances to coexist, with the side-effect that you
have to manage the reactor start/stop manually.
def _start(self):
"""Initializes ``all_done`` instead of starting the reactor"""
log.msg("._start() called")
self.all_done = False
def _stop(self):
"""Sets ``all_done`` to True instead of stopping the reactor"""
log.msg("._stop() called")
self.all_done = True
def run(self):
We've overloaded the run method to return a Deferred task object.
log.msg(".run() called")
# This is the default behavior
super(ReactorlessCommando, self).run()
# Setup a deferred to hold the delayed result and not return it until
# it's done. This object will be populated with the value of the
# results once all commands have been executed on all devices.
d = defer.Deferred()
# Add monitor_result as a callback
d.addCallback(self.monitor_result, reactor)
# Tell the reactor to call the callback above when it starts
reactor.callWhenRunning(d.callback, reactor)
return d
def monitor_result(self, result, reactor):
Loop periodically or until the factory stops to check if we're
``all_done`` and then return the results.
# Once we're done, return the results
if self.all_done:
return self.results
# Otherwise tell the reactor to call me again after 0.5 seconds.
return task.deferLater(reactor, 0.5, self.monitor_result, result, reactor)
class ShowClock(ReactorlessCommando):
commands = ['show clock']
class ShowUsers(ReactorlessCommando):
commands = ['show users']
def stop_reactor(result):
if reactor.running:
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
devices = ['dev1', 'dev2']
# Our Commando instances. This is an example to show we have two instances
# co-existing under the same reactor.
c1 = ShowClock(devices)
c2 = ShowUsers(devices)
instances = [c1, c2]
# Call the run method for each instance to get a list of Deferred task objects.
deferreds = []
for i in instances:
# Here we use a DeferredList to track a list of Deferred tasks that only
# returns once they've all completed.
d = defer.DeferredList(deferreds)
# Once every task has returned a result, stop the reactor
# And... finally, start the reactor to kick things off.
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