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Last active February 17, 2016 16:33
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  • Save jathanism/cdb27a5a46cecd9497f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jathanism/cdb27a5a46cecd9497f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Duplicate of `~trigger.contrib.commando.plugins.config_device` using
``Commando`` as a base vs. ``CommandoApplication``.
Bug fixes:
- NameError: global name 'tftp_ip' is not defined
import os.path
import re
from socket import getfqdn, gethostbyname
from twisted.python import log
from trigger.cmds import Commando
# from trigger.contrib.commando import CommandoApplication
from trigger.conf import settings
from trigger.utils import xmltodict, strip_juniper_namespace
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree, Element, SubElement
task_name = 'config_device'
if not hasattr(settings, 'TFTPROOT_DIR'):
settings.TFTPROOT_DIR = ''
if not hasattr(settings, 'TFTP_HOST'):
settings.TFTP_HOST = ''
def xmlrpc_config_device(*args, **kwargs):
c = ConfigDevice(*args, **kwargs)
d =
return d
# class ConfigDevice(CommandoApplication):
class ConfigDevice(Commando):
tftp_dir = settings.TFTPROOT_DIR
tftp_host = settings.TFTP_HOST
tftp_ip = gethostbyname(tftp_host)
def __init__(self, action='replace', files=None, commands=None, debug=False, **kwargs):
if commands is None:
commands = []
if files is None:
files = [][]
self.commands = commands
self.files = files
self.action = action
## available actions:
## replace
## overwrite
## merge
## set
self.debug = debug
super(ConfigDevice, self).__init__(**kwargs)
## to_<vendor> methods
## Used to construct the cmds sent to specific devices.
## The dev is passed to allow for creating different
## commands based on model and version!!
def to_cisco(self, dev, commands=None, extra=None):
cmds = []
files = self.files
for fn in files:
copytftpcmd = "copy tftp://%s/%s running-config" % (self.tftp_ip, fn)
cmds.append('copy running-config startup-config')
return cmds
to_arista = to_cisco
def to_brocade(self, dev, commands=None, extra=None):
cmds = []
action = self.action
files = self.files
if re.match(r"^BRMLXE", dev.make):
log.msg('Device Type (%s %s) not supported' % (dev.vendor, dev.make))
return []
for fn in files:
copytftpcmd = "copy tftp running-config %s %s" % (self.tftp_ip, fn)
if action == 'overwrite':
copytftpcmd += ' overwrite'
cmds.append('copy running-config startup-config')
return cmds
def to_dell(self, dev, commands=None, extra=None):
cmds = []
files = self.files
if dev.make != 'POWERCONNECT':
log.msg('Device Type (%s %s) not supported' % (dev.vendor, dev.make))
return cmds
for fn in files:
copytftpcmd = "copy tftp://%s/%s running-config" % (self.tftp_ip, fn)
cmds.append('copy running-config startup-config')
return cmds
def to_a10(self, dev, commands=None, extra=None):
cmds = []
files = self.files
log.msg('Device Type (%s) not supported' % dev.vendor)
return cmds
def to_juniper(self, dev, commands=None, extra=None):
if commands is None:
commands = []
cmds = [Element('lock-configuration')]
files = self.files
action = self.action
if action == 'overwrite':
action = 'override'
for fname in files:
#log.msg("fname: %s" % fname)
filecontents = ''
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
fname = tftp_dir + fname
filecontents = file(fname).read()
except IOError as e:
log.msg("Unable to open file: %s" % fname)
if filecontents == '':
lc = Element('load-configuration', action=action, format='text')
body = SubElement(lc, 'configuration-text')
body.text = filecontents
if len(commands) > 0:
lc = Element('load-configuration', action=action, format='text')
body = SubElement(lc, 'configuration-text')
body.text = "\n".join(commands)
return cmds
def from_juniper(self, data, device, commands=None):
"""Do all the magic to parse Junos interfaces"""
#print 'device:', device
#print 'data len:', len(data)
self.raw = data
results = []
for xml in data:
jdata = xmltodict.parse(
## Leaving jdata structure native until I have a chance
## to look at it (and other vendors' results) and restructure
## into something sane.
## At that point, I will want to make sure that all vendors
## return a dict with the same structure.
##{'device':device, 'data':jdata})
self.store_results(device, results)
Copy link

This is an example of using config_device2 to configure an Arista device.


  • .tacacsrc setup
  • TFTP enabled on connecting host
  • settings.TFTPROOT_DIR = '/path/to/tftpboot'
  • settings.TFTP_HOST = '' (Set this to your IP address/hostname that the network device can resolve)
  • ACL vty.acl staged in TFTPROOT_DIR

ACL Contents

$ cat /private/tftpboot/vty.acl
no ip access-list extended vty
ip access-list extended vty
 permit tcp any any eq 22
 deny ip any any

Usage Example

>>> import config_device2
>>> devices = ['arista-sw1']
>>> files = ['vty.acl']
>>> cd2 = config_device2.ConfigDevice(devices=devices, files=files)

Sometime later...

>>> print cd2.results['arista-sw1']

Next, jump on the device and confirm the change is there:

$ gong arista-sw1
Connecting to arista-sw1.  Use ^X to exit.

Fetching credentials from /Users/jathan/.tacacsrc
Last login: Thu Jan 28 01:08:42 2016 from
arista-vm#show run section ip
interface Ethernet1
   no switchport
   ip address
interface Management1
   ip address
ip access-list vty
   10 permit tcp any any eq ssh
   20 deny ip any any
ip routing

And there it is: ip access-list vty!

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