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Last active May 4, 2017 14:32
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Downloads sugar bundles by reading them from a json file. Requires jq to be installed
{"license": "GPLv3+", "description": " There are 4 spaces per row in which you can place a different color, you have ten opportunities to find the correct position of each color.", "name": "Mastermind", "bundle": "mastermind-1.xo", "summary": "Mastermind game for sugar! Drag and drop the colors in correct places for win. ", "directory": "4797", "icon": "activity-mastermind.svg", "developer": "cristian"}
{"description": "Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese. There are several different variants available for exploration: a suanpan, the traditional Chinese abacus with 2 beads on top and 5 beads below; a soroban, the traditional Japanese abacus with 1 bead on top and 4 beads below; the schety, the traditional Russian abacus, with 10 beads per column, with the exception of one column with just 4 beads used for counting in fourths; and the nepohualtzintzin, the traditional Mayan abacus, with 3 beads on top and 4 beads below (it uses base 20).", "license": "GPLv3", "bundle": "abacus-55.xo", "name": "Abacus", "developer": "Walter", "directory": "4293", "summary": "Abacus is a simple abacus activity for Sugar. ", "homepage": "", "icon": "activity-abacus.svg"}
{"description": "2048 is a game where you smash the square, adding them together each time (eg: smash 2 tiles together and you get 4). The aim is to get the 2048 tile.\n\n2048 for Sugar uses the same game engine as the original, with just a few changes for sugar, for the best performance.\n\nDownload 2048 now and youll have hours of fun!!! ", "license": "GPLv3+", "bundle": "2048-1.xo", "name": "2048", "developer": "Sam", "directory": "4738", "summary": "That crazy number puzzle that took the internet by storm --- now for Sugar! ", "homepage": "", "icon": "activity-2048.svg"}
{"license": "GPLv3+", "description": "It is a ball and brick game wherein you will have a slider, a ball and a brick displayed while the game. You will have to break all the bricks with the ball while moving the slider. It has a theme changer setting wherein you can change the theme of the game play. ", "name": "BallAndBrick", "bundle": "ballandbrick-1.xo", "summary": "BallAndBrick ", "flags": "X", "directory": "4798", "icon": "activity-ballandbrick.svg", "developer": "hag"}
{"description": " Activity that calculates the biorhytm for a specify date. ", "license": "GPLv3+", "bundle": "biorhythm-2.xo", "summary": "Activity that calculates the biorhytm for a specify date", "developer": "AlanJAS", "directory": "4609", "icon": "biorhythm.svg", "homepage": "", "name": "Biorhythm"}
{"name":"Bibliography", "bundle":"bibliography-7.xo","icon":"activity-bibliography.svg","directory":"4761","homepage": "","summary":"Need a bibliography? Bibliography Activity can help you manage and create a Harvard style bibliography!", "description": "Need a bibliography? Bibliography Activity can help you manage and create a Harvard style bibliography! ", "license": "GPLv3+", "developer": "Sam"}
{"directory":"4371","license": "GPLv3+", "description": "Usually called , this activity revisits the game from our childhood but here the students get to play against me. But don\"t be deceived ... there is more to this game than meets the eye. There is a clever sacrificial strategy (which the program doesn\"t use) that allows a player to win with careful play.", "name": "Boxes", "update": "", "bundle": "boxes-1.xo", "summary": "Usually called , this activity revisits the game from our childhood but here the students get to play against me. ", "icon": "activity-boxes.svg", "developer": "mulawa1"}
{"description": " Cut off the sewing buttons in the logic game Buttons and Scissors! To cut off the buttons, select two or more buttons of the same color. You can select buttons only on the same horizontal, vertical or diagonal line. Cut off all the buttons from the scrap of denim to complete the level. Try to complete each level in the shortest time possible to get a better score. ", "license": "GPLv3", "bundle": "buttonsandscissors-4.xo", "summary": "Buttons and Scissors", "developer": "Utkarsh", "directory": "4765", "icon": "buttons.svg", "name": "Buttons and Scissors"}
{"name": "Cerminal", "description": "Una actividad de terminal1sica, que tiene la opcib3n de mantener varias terminales abiertas simula1neamente.\nCuenta con la posibilidad de cambiar los colores, y el mensaje de bienvenida editando o eliminando el archivo ", "bundle": "cerminal-1.xo", "summary": "!CErminal is a customizable terminal, on which you can change the font and background colors and the font size. ", "flags": "X", "directory": "4777", "developer": "cristian", "icon": "activity-cerminal.svg"}
{"license": "GPLv3", "description": "This is the first pass at a new puzzle activity where you`ll be able to make patterned tiles to match on a grid. A solver and construction kit are soon-to-be-added features. ", "icon": "activity-cardsort.svg", "bundle": "cardsort-11.xo", "name": "Card Sort", "flags": "X", "directory": "4217", "summary": "!Card Sort is a puzzle whose objective is to sort the tiles such that all of the intersections have black and white pairs of matching symbols. ", "developer": "Walter, Ignacio"}
{"name": "Clipart", "license": "GPLv3+", "description": "ClipArt scans Sugar activities for artwork (png, svg, jpg, and gif). It presents these artworks in a viewer, allowing the user to select images that are then copied to the Sugar Journal. Once the artwork is in the Sugar Journal, it is available for use in other Sugar activities.\n\nFor example, bundled with the Turtle Flags activity are images of national flags. Individual flags can be transferred to the Sugar Journal and used with Write, Fototoons, et al. ", "bundle": "clipart-2.xo", "summary": "ClipArt is a tool for moving artwork found in other Sugar activities into the Sugar Journal. ", "directory": "4687", "icon": "activity-clipart.svg", "homepage": "", "developer": "Walter"}
{"name": "Countries", "license": "GPLv3+", "description": " Please note that this is a large file - about 5M in size.\n\nPlayers can use the keyboard or click on the screen letters. Note that the enter key has its standard meaning for this activity.\n\nA full list of the countries and their flags are provided on the Homepage above. Please note that some countries appear twice - for example, Ireland and Eire.\n\nThis display is also available to players after successfully filling in every letter - just click on the globe or flag picture.\n\nBut there even more - click on a flag in this display to get a world map with the countrys capital marked.\n\nThere are sure to be errors and oversightsn this activity but I suggest they be used as a basis for research.", "bundle": "countries-33.xo", "summary": "Players have to type in a country for each letter of the alphabet. Successes are rewarded with the display of the countrys flag. The activity the English names of 212 countries. ", "directory": "4528", "icon": "activity-countries.svg", "developer": "mulawa1"}
{"name": "Flipsticks", "license": "GPLv2+", "description": "Flipsticks is a NEW keyframe animation activity that lets you pose and program a stick figure to walk, run, rotate, twist, tumble and dance. You can save your animations to the journal and will soon be able to share them via the mesh. Flipsticks can be used to explore concepts in geometry, computer programming and animation; it helps develop spatial and analytical thinking skills.\n\nThis is a WorldWideWorkshop project - see the page. ", "bundle": "flipsticks-8.xo", "summary": "!Using keyframes, program a stick figure to twist, turn, tumble and dance ", "directory": "4044", "developer": "Activity Team", "homepage": "", "icon": "activity-flipsticks.svg"}
{"name": "FractionBounce", "license": "GPLv3", "description": "The game teaches fractions and estimations. Play starts by clicking on the ball. Nudge it by using the arrow keys to move it left or right. ", "bundle": "fractionbounce-9.xo", "summary": "FractionBounce is a game that prompts the player to nudge a bouncing ball to land at a point on the bottom of the screen that is an estimate of a given fraction. Eg, if 1/3 is displayed, then the ball must land 1/3 the distance along the bottom. ", "directory": "4448", "developer": "Walter, Ignacio", "homepage": "", "icon": "activity-fractionbounce.svg"}
{"description": "This is Gears activity. ", "license": "GPLv3+", "bundle": "gears-6.xo", "summary": "Gears activity. ", "developer": "manuq", "directory": "4696", "icon": "activity-gears.svg", "name": "Gears"}
{"name": "Graph Plotter", "license": "GPLv3", "description": "Easy plotter and well integrated with Sugar, with a lot of features. ", "bundle": "graph_platter-9.xo", "summary": "!Complete function plotter to be used by students replacing the expensive calculators. ", "directory": "4501", "developer": "danielf", "homepage": "", "icon": "activity-graph-plotter.svg"}
{"description": "This activity can be used as a base for developing other Sugar Web Activities. The user can copy the activity directory to a new directory (e.g. cp -r HelloWeb.activity MyNew.activity). The user needs to change the file in the activity directory, provide an icon (activity-mynew.svg), and write a new index.html. ", "license": "GPLv3+", "bundle": "helloweb-3.xo", "name": "helloWeb", "developer": "Tony", "directory": "4791", "summary": "!The HelloWeb activity provides a simple program as an example of a minimal Sugar Web Activity. ", "icon": "activity-helloweb.svg"}
{"description": " TheActivity will print out on the screen. It is one of the simplest Activities possible in Sugar. Therefore, it can be used as a starting point to examine the activity code and create your own Sugar activity.", "license": "GPLv2+", "name": "HelloWorld", "bundle": "helloworld-6.xo", "summary": "The Activity will print out on the screen. It is one of the simplest Activities possible in Sugar. Therefore, it can be used as a starting point to examine the activity code and create your own Sugar activity. ", "directory": "4418", "icon": "activity-helloworld.svg", "homepage": "", "developer": "erikos, Gonzalo Odiard"}
{"description": "This activity will help you practice rounding numbers from 10 to 100,000. The activity progresses in levels. The level is tied to what the number should be rounded. Level 1 is rounding to 10, Level 2 is rounding to 100 and so on. There are 5 levels in the activity.\n\nThere are three sections inside each level. The sections give the player different ways to enter the answer.\n-Section 1 is a slider. Move the slider to the correct answer and click OK.\n-Section 2 is 4 multiple choice buttons. Click the button with the correct answer.\n-Section 3 is a input field. Type in the correct answer and click OK or press Enter.\n\nThe thousands separator corresponding to the particular locale is used to present the number to be rounded. The separator may also be included in the input field without creating an error. This will help the player keep track of the number of zeros entered. ", "license": "GPLv3+", "bundle": "hop-a-round-2.xo", "summary": "Round numbers with Hoppy the Grasshopper", "developer": "Mike Major", "directory": "4209", "icon": "hoparound-icon.svg", "name": "Hop-A-Round"}
{"name": "Labyrinth", "license": "GPLv3+", "description": "Labyrinth allows the creation of mind maps from a mixture of text, freehand drawings, and images from your Journal. There is an infinite sized canvas for your map that can be panned and zoomed while you work. Maps can be exported to Portable Document Format (PDF), or Portable Network Graphics (PNG) for easy uploading to web sites, sharing, and printing by others who may not be using Sugar. ", "bundle": "labyrinth-14.xo", "summary": "!Labyrinth is a lightweight mind-mapping activity that supports text, images, and simple drawings. ", "directory": "4078", "developer": "garycmartin, manuq", "homepage": "", "icon": "activity-labyrinth.svg"}
{"description": "Last One Loses (LOL) est un petit jeu jouable contre lordinateur. Chaque joueur choisi entre 1 et 3 batons sur le plateau de jeu. Celui qui prend le dernier perd !\n\nTrois niveaux de difficulta9s sont proposa9s:\n\n- Easy (par d9faut): ct la premi8re fois que vous jouez,\n- Medium: vous avez bien compris le principe du jeu,\n- Hard: vous aates un champion.\n\nLe jeu est jouable en ligne sur ", "license": "GPLv3+", "bundle": "last_one_loses_activity-1.xo", "name": "Last One Loses", "developer": "Lionel LASKE", "directory": "4717", "summary": "Last One Loses (LOL) is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game. ", "icon": "activity-lola.svg"}
{"directory":"4232","description": "A very fun tetris-like game! ", "license": "GPLv3+", "bundle": "blockparty-7.xo", "summary": "BlockParty ", "developer":"fang", "icon":"activity-blockparty.svg", "name": "BlockParty"}
{"description": "It features small animations and sounds. ", "license": "GPLv3+", "bundle": "mazeweb-2.xo", "name": "Maze Web", "developer": "manuq", "directory": "4727", "summary": "A remake of Maze activity using web technologies. ", "homepage": "", "icon": "activity-mazeweb.svg"}
# Install jq before using the following script
# Easy as searching for jq in your distro's package manager
echo "Downloading sugar bundles .... "
for download_id in $(jq '.directory + "/" +.bundle' "$json_file"); do
echo "${download_id//\"}"
wget "$base_url${download_id//\"}" --continue
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