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Created March 18, 2021 07:10
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c ++ | Temperature conversion | Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//---------------Function Declaration----------------
void error(std::string); // returns error
bool valid_temp(double); // check for valid temprature in Kelvin | Below 0K is invalid
double ctok(double); // convert Celsius to Kelvin
double ktoc(double); // convert Kelvin to Celsius
double ftoc(double); // convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
double ctof(double); // convert Celsius to Fahrenhiet
double convertK(double, const char); // convert Kelvin to any
double convertC(double, const char); // convert Celsius to any
double convertF(double, const char); // convert Fahrenheit to any
double convert(double, const char, const char); // convert any to any
void getInput(double&, char& , char& ); // take input from user
// for dealing with error
class Invalid{}; // for invalid temprature
class Wrong{}; // for wrong format
int main()
double temp = 0;
char ch1;
char ch2 ;
double converted = convert(temp,ch1,ch2);
std::cout << temp << ch1 << " = " << converted << ch2 <<std::endl;
std::cout << "Invalid temperature !" <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "Wrong Format !" <<std::endl;
std::cout << "Somthing went wrong" <<std::endl;
// ----------------FUnction Definations----------------
// returns error
void error(std::string s)
throw std::runtime_error(s);
// check for valid temprature in Kelvin | Below 0K is invalid
bool valid_temp(double k)
if(k >= 0) return true;
return false;
// convert Celsius to Kelvin
double ctok(double c)
double k = c + 273.15;
if(!valid_temp(k)) throw Invalid();
return k;
// convert Kelvin to Celsius
double ktoc(double k)
double c = k - 273.15;
if(!valid_temp(k)) throw Invalid();
return c;
// convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
double ftoc(double f)
double c = (f - 32) * (5.0/9);
if(!valid_temp(ctok(c))) throw Invalid();
return c;
// convert Celsius to Fahrenhiet
double ctof(double c)
double f = c * (9.0/5) + 32;
if(!valid_temp(ctok(c))) throw Invalid();
return f;
// convert Kelvin to any
double convertK(double t, const char ch)
case 'C' : case 'c' :
return ktoc(t);
case 'F' : case 'f' :
return ctof(ktoc(t));
throw Wrong();
// convert Celsius to any
double convertC(double t, const char ch)
case 'F' : case 'f' :
return ctof(t);
case 'K' : case 'k' :
return ctok(t);
throw Wrong();
// convert Fahrenheit to any
double convertF(double t, char ch)
case 'C' : case 'c' :
return ftoc(t);
case 'K' : case 'k' :
return ctok(ftoc(t));
throw Wrong();
// convert any to any
double convert(double t, const char ch1, const char ch2)
if (ch1 == ch2) return t;
case 'K': case 'k' :
return convertK(t,ch2);
case 'C': case 'c' :
return convertC(t,ch2);
case 'F': case 'f' :
return convertF(t,ch2);
throw Wrong();
// take input from user
void getInput(double& t, char& ch1, char& ch2)
std::cout << "Enter temprature : ";
std::cin >> t >> ch1;
std::cout << "[Kelvin:K , Celsius:C , Fahrenheirt:F]" <<std::endl;
std ::cout << "Enter output unit :";
std::cin >> ch2;
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