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Created December 8, 2010 22:17
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Save jatorre/734018 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a plsql function to get a PostGIS geom out of a tile defined by X,Y,Z. Returns on SRS 900913
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION v_get_tile(x integer,y integer,z integer)
RETURNS geometry AS
origin_shift CONSTANT FLOAT := 20037508.342789244;
initial_resolution CONSTANT FLOAT := 156543.03392804062;
res float;
minx float;
miny float;
maxx float;
maxy float;
res := initial_resolution / (power(2,z));
minx := (x*256)*res - origin_shift;
miny := -((y*256)*res - origin_shift);
maxx := ((x+1)*256)*res - origin_shift;
maxy := -(((y+1)*256)*res - origin_shift);
RETURN (ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON(('||minx||' '||maxy||','||maxx||' '||maxy||','||maxx||' '||miny||','||minx||' '||miny||','||minx||' '||maxy||'))',900913));END;
COST 100;
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jatorre commented Apr 26, 2012 via email

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