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Last active November 6, 2020 18:21
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mk rolling release aka debian sid w/ i3-wm

debian sid aka mk rolling release

This is a step by step guide to get onto debian sid from the mini.iso with some minimal system setup by jaumemk.


hace a chek to this:

download the iso

Point browser to an browse to /daily-images.

burn the iso

use dd or other tools.

boot the iso & install

follow as an expert install and install as wished. (remember to unmark all options on desktop enviroments, leave blank, mark only the base system).

(optional) no root user will be needed

boot onto the new system

log in as the user.

setup a wired network for first time

after this wired network we will install network-manager and from there we will be able to configure wifi.

will list al network interfaces.

$ ip link note the ethernet interface name (usual check for broadcom, or eth0 or enpXsXXXX)

$ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

we configure the interface via DHCP add those lines at the end of the file

auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

bring up the connection & test

$ sudo ifup eth0

$ ping -c 1

update repos

$ sudo apt-get update

install the network-manager

$ sudo apt-get install network-manager

check we have nmtui and nmcli

$ which nmtui

bring interface down

$ sudo ifdown eth0

remove the interface from /etc/network/interfaces (important to see the interface on nmtui)

$ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

run nmtui and configure the network from there.

$ nmtui

Some intel wifi cards need this for speed, chek here for help

install speedtest

$ sudo apt-get install speedtest-cli

run speedtest

$ speedtest

this speed test may help to determine if wifi is well configured

install i3-wm

now based on

$ sudo apt-get install i3 i3status xorg suckless-tools

using xinit we will not need display manager.

$ echo ‘exec i3’ > ~/.xsession

$ startx

welcome to i3

follow on a new window terminal mod-key + enter

install the rest of the software

$ sudo apt-get install chromium

for browsing

$ sudo apt-get install arandr

for managing displays

install light weight terminal

$ sudo apt-get install rxvt

install various things

sudo apt-get install fonts-hack-ttf
sudo apt-get install fonts-noto

nano .Xresources

(more info about fonts here:,

this command will reload ressources without reloadind all xorg, only small changes take effect, sometimes reloading xorg is necessary.

xrdb .Xresources

battery and acpi extensions

use acpitool, and upower --dump to check batery status. sudo apt-get install acpitool

run this command and chek overall system status acpitool -e (-e stands for everything)


i3-wm fibonacci

|      | B | 
|  A   |---|
|      | C |

edit the i3 config file (~/.config/i3/config)

default_orientation vertical
# start in opposite orientation from your monitor

for_window [class=".*"] split toggle
# toggles split at each new window

bindsym $mod+shift+q split toggle kill
# kill command resets the split

bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
# should already exist but use if split orientation  messes up



i3-msg reload
i3-msg restart

remember to comment edited old keystrokes or remove them

review baskerville/bspwm#259

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