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Last active August 19, 2018 22:39
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I deployed to PythonAnywhere
It worked it worked I had no care
I used the lovely API
It told the truth it did not lie

But then I found I need DELETE
Then my script would be replete
Then surely I could redeploy
And my world is filled with joy

But DELETE returned a horrid error
My script it turned and fled with terror
It said I'm OK with a GET
But for DELETE I have to fret

I cannot kill it with a GET
I cannot kill with DELETE just yet
I could not kill it my domain
I could not kill it (starts to rain)

It did not kill my lovely app
It would not kill it that is that
It could not would not 202
I think it might just have the flu

A forum issue I did raise[1]
And the response has gained my praise
My issue was found so quick
These Python guys are super slick

Symlink caused this was their reply
The link for your WSGi
We'll fix this surely as a bug
Then DELETE will surely pull the rug

So now I have a workaround
And DELETE can work without a bound
Just unlink symlink before DELETE
The webapp's gone and all is sweet

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