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Last active July 9, 2021 12:17
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How to Setup a Local Static File Server in Windows by XAMPP - M.M. Saleh (Salman)
How to Setup a Local Static File Server in Windows by XAMPP
M.M. Saleh (Salman) -
total.bk - it may be a file server
1. create a folder for server root path in location [ D:\zfileserver ]
2. Go to the path [D:\xampp\apache\conf\extra]
Open the file [ httpd-vhosts.conf ]
3. Add a code block like
<VirtualHost total.bk:80>
DocumentRoot "D:/zfileserver"
ServerName total.bk
ErrorLog "logs/total.bk-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/total.bk-access.log" combined
<Directory "D:/zfileserver">
# AllowOverride All # Deprecated
# Order Allow,Deny # Deprecated
# Allow from all # Deprecated
# --New way of doing it
Require all granted
4. Than go to the path [C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc]
Open the file [ hosts ] and
add the line [ total.bk ] at the end of that file
5. Now go to any browser and type http://total.bk you will see the server(local) is running In Sha Allah
6. Image read from this new local server
<img src="launcher1.png" alt="Android" height="42" width="42"> (this will show image 1)
<img src="uploads/launcher2.png" alt="Android" height="42" width="42"> (this will show image 2)
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