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Last active May 8, 2019 09:04
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Smart contract for a car registration and odometer
pragma solidity ^0.4.21;
* Contract to store the mileage of a car
contract Odometer {
event Creation(
address indexed from,
string indexed vin
event Transfer(
address indexed from,
address indexed to,
string indexed vin
struct Car {
string vin;
address owner;
uint kilometers;
mapping (string => Car) cars;
function Odometer() public {}
* Creates a track record of a new car.
* Transaction will fail (and burn gas!) if the car already exists.
function createCar(string vin) public {
assert(cars[vin].owner == 0x0);
cars[vin].vin = vin;
cars[vin].owner = msg.sender;
cars[vin].kilometers = 0;
emit Creation(msg.sender, vin);
* Updates the current kilometers of the car. Transactions fails and burns gas if
* the new kilometer value is lower than the old one.
function updateKilometers(string vin, uint kilometers) public {
Car storage transferObject = cars[vin];
assert(transferObject.owner == msg.sender);
assert(transferObject.kilometers < kilometers);
transferObject.kilometers = kilometers;
* Transfers the ownership of a car to a different address.
* Transaction fails and burns gas if the car is not owned by the caller or if the kilometers are
* less than the last known state.
function transferOwnership(string vin, address owner, uint kilometers) public {
Car storage transferObject = cars[vin];
assert(transferObject.owner == msg.sender);
assert(transferObject.kilometers < kilometers);
transferObject.owner = owner;
transferObject.kilometers = kilometers;
emit Transfer(msg.sender, owner, vin);
* Returns the current data of the given car
function getCar(string vin) public constant returns(address owner, uint kilometers) {
owner = cars[vin].owner;
kilometers = cars[vin].kilometers;
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