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Created February 27, 2017 04:24
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Assignment 1
%%% @author Josh Rehman
%%% @copyright (C) 2017, JavaJosh Enterprises, Inc.
%%% @doc
%%% @end
%%% Created : 26. Feb 2017 6:02 PM
-author("Josh Rehman").
-export([fib/1, fibP/1, area/1, testArea/0, perimeter/1, max/3, enclose/1, bits/1, pits/1, testFib/0, testBits/0, testPits/0, testMax/0, testAll/0]).
% To make sure I understood what Simon Thomson was talking about WRT more complex
% pattern matching, I went ahead and recreated his example here.
fibP(0) ->
fibP(N) ->
{A,B} = fibP(N-1),
{B, A+B}.
fib(N) ->
{A,_} = fibP(N),
%spot check against some known-good values.
%0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144
%0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
% Later on you'll see I adopted a different convention for testing.
testFib() ->
(fib(0) == 0) and (fib(3) == 2) and (fib(8)==21) and (fib(12) ==144).
% These functions are simple and didn't require much testing.
% In real code, I'd want to check values more thoroughly.
% An interesting possibility is that area of a triangle is zero,
% when one side is as long as the other two combined.
area({circle, {X,Y}, R}) ->
area({rectangle, {X,Y}, W, H}) ->
area({triangle, {X,Y}, A, B, C}) -> % Heron's formula
S = perimeter({triangle, {X,Y}, A, B, C})/2,
testArea() ->
A = math:pi() == area({circle, {0,0}, 1}),
B = 10 == area({rectangle, {0,0}, 5, 2}),
C = 0 == area({triangle, {0,0}, 1, 2, 3}), % this is correct!
A and B and C.
% Pi is the ratio of circumference to diameter, pi = c/d = c/2r. c=2r(pi)
% no testing required here.
perimeter({circle, {X,Y}, R}) ->
math:pi() * 2 * R;
perimeter({rectangle, {X,Y}, W, H}) ->
2*(W + H);
perimeter({triangle, {X,Y}, A, B, C}) ->
A + B + C.
% All of these seemed more like geometry problems than erlang problems!
% The circle was easy: you need a square with sides equal to the diameter, 2*R.
% The rectangle was easiest, as you just need to return itself.
% The triangle case was tricky! I figured the smallest enclosing rectangle would
% base times height, and selected the longest side for the base, and then
% compute height from the base and area, using A=1/2*b*h.
enclose({circle, {X,Y}, R}) ->
{rectangle, {X,Y}, 2*R, 2*R};
enclose({rectangle, {X,Y}, W, H}) ->
{rectangle, {X,Y}, W, H};
enclose({triangle, {X,Y}, A, B, C}) ->
BASE = max(A,B,C),
%area = 1/2 *base * height -> height = 2*area / base
HEIGHT = 2 * area({triangle, {X,Y}, A, B, C}) / BASE,
{rectangle, {X,Y}, BASE, HEIGHT}.
% This is kind of cool: to sort 3 numbers we only need to check for
% ordering in both directions, and then recurse, swapping an edge into the middle.
% hopefully there is a standard function to do this, but it was fun.
max(A,B,C) when (A>=B) and (B>=C) ->
max(A,B,C) when (A=<B) and (B=<C) ->
max(A,B,C) ->
testMax() ->
A = max(1,2,3) == 3,
B = max(3,2,1) == 3,
C = max(4,5,2) == 5,
D = max(1,1,1) == 1,
A and B and C and D.
% Return the sum of bits in the binary representation.
% Recall that dividing by two shifts the binary to the right.
% This is the direct recursive
% NOTE: Erlang was incredibly unhelpful diagnosing integer division problem
% because at first I tried N/2 which actually hung the REPL, repeatedly.
% The break through came when I added the (what I thought was unnecessary)
% guard to the last phrase, and added "when (N rem 2) == 0". This let the
% program terminate quickly with a floating point number, and I realized
% I needed N div 2 instead of N/2.
bits(0) -> 0;
bits(1) -> 1;
bits(N) when (N rem 2) == 1 ->
1 + bits(N-1);
bits(N) ->
bits(N div 2).
testBits() ->
A = bits(0) == 0,
B = bits(1) == 1,
C = bits(3) == 2,
D = bits(4) == 1,
E = bits(64) == 1,
F = bits(65) == 2,
G = bits(13189123) == 7,
A and B and C and D and E and F and G.
% Indirect recursive
pits(N) -> pits(N, 0).
pits(0, ACC) ->
pits(N, ACC) when (N rem 2) == 1 ->
pits(N-1, ACC + 1);
pits(N, ACC) ->
pits(N div 2, ACC).
testPits() ->
A = pits(0) == 0,
B = pits(1) == 1,
C = pits(3) == 2,
D = pits(4) == 1,
E = pits(64) == 1,
F = pits(65) == 2,
G = pits(13189123) == 7,
A and B and C and D and E and F and G.
% Which is preferable? In this case I much prefer the direct recursion because
% it's much cleaner - no ACC parameter and no "interface" function with arity 1.
% Also, performance will not be a big issue since the depth of recursion will
% only ever be proportional to the digits, that is log base 2 N.
testAll() ->
A = testFib(),
B = testBits(),
C = testPits(),
D = testMax(),
A and B and C and D.
% Couple of thoughts so far:
% 1. No multi-line comments? Seems like a strange omission.
% 2. It seems like a bad idea to repeat the "shape" pattern all over.
% 3. It does get a little old typing "c(file)." and then "file:function()."
% (But it does inspire shorter file and function names).
% 4. It's kind of exciting having to solve problems with only the barest minimum tools!
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