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Last active October 13, 2017 23:15
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Nested JavaScript Loops Containing Async Functions That are Forced to Run Synchronously
var translate = require('google-translate-api');
var fs = require('fs');
var async = require('async');
// array of filenames
// each file contains a JSON object
var filenames = [
// loop over each filename and process asynchronously
async.eachSeries(filenames, function(filename, callback) {
// read each file synchronously and parse it into an object
var obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('dialogues/'+filename, 'utf8'));
var array1 = [];
// loop over each sentence and process asynchronously
async.eachSeries(obj.sentences, function(sentence, callback) {
// create an object to store the English and Indonesian sentence, e.g.
"English": "How are you",
"Indonesian": "Apa kabar"
var translatedSentence = {};
translatedSentence["English"] = sentence.English;
// call translate function to translate English sentence into Indonesian
// even though translate function is async, this loop will run synchronously
translate(sentence.English, {from: 'en', to: 'id'}).then(res => {
translatedSentence["Indonesian"] = res.text;
}).catch(err => {
}, function(err) {
// if any of the file processing produced an error, err would equal that error
if( err ) {
// One of the iterations produced an error.
// All processing will now stop.
console.log('A sentence failed to process');
} else {
// write the array of translated sentence objects to file synchronously
var stream = fs.createWriteStream("indonesian/"+filename);
stream.once('open', function(fd) {
stream.write(JSON.stringify(array1, null, '\t')+"\n");
console.log('All sentences have been processed successfully');
}, function(err) {
if( err ) {
// One of the iterations produced an error.
// All processing will now stop.
console.log('A sentence failed to process');
} else {
console.log('All sentences have been processed successfully');
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