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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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# coding=utf-8
'''Implements a simple database interface
Example 0: Create connection:
# Set auto commit to false
db = DB(False, host = 'x', user = 'x', passwd = 'x', db = 'x')
Example 1: Select SQL
a. Select the first two rows from ip table:
# normal select'select * from ip limit 2')
# add a where condition:'select * from ip where name != %s limit 2', ('0'))
b. Select all results but get only the first two:
db.execute('select * from ip')
# get dict rows
db.get_rows(2, is_dict = True)
Example 2: Insert/Replace SQL
a. Insert a new record into ip table:
db.insert('ip', address='', name='xxx')
b. Insert multi-records into ip table:
db.multi_insert('ip', ('address','name'), [('', 'xxx'),
('', 'yyy'), ('', 'zzz')])
Example 3: Update SQL
a. Update the address of row whose name is xxx:
db.update('ip', where = 'name = "xxx", address = '')
Example 4: Delete SQL
a. Delete the row whose name is 'xxx':
db.delete('ip', where = 'name = "xxx"')
Example 5: Debug SQL
db = DB(False, debug = True, host = 'x', user = 'x', passwd = 'x', db = 'x')
print h.execute('select name from ip where address = %s and id = %s', ('', 1))
"select name from ip where address='' and id = 1"
# Can be 'Prototype', 'Development', 'Product'
__status__ = 'Development'
__author__ = ' <>'
import sys
import MySQLdb
# see
from storage import Strorage
def not_supported(func_name):
'''Generate a not supported function warning.'''
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
raise DeprecationWarning, '%s is not supported in debug mode' % func_name
return new_func
def _format(sql):
'''Format the sql.'''
return ' '.join(sql.split())
class DB():
'''A simple database query interface.'''
def __init__(self, auto_commit = False, debug = False, **kwargs):
if 'charset' not in kwargs:
kwargs['charset'] = 'utf8'
self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(**kwargs)
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
self._debug = debug
if debug:
self.execute = self.execute_dbg = not_supported('select')
self.executemany = not_supported('executemany')
self.multi_insert = not_supported('multi_insert')
def execute(self, sql, args = None):
'''Execute q sql.'''
return self.cursor.execute(_format(sql), args)
def execute_dbg(self, sql, args = None):
'''Print executed sql, for debug only.'''
del self.cursor.messages[:]
db = self.cursor._get_db()
charset = db.character_set_name()
if isinstance(sql, unicode):
sql = sql.encode(charset)
if args is not None:
sql = sql % db.literal(args)
return _format(sql)
def executemany(self, sql, args):
'''Execute a multi-row query.'''
return self.cursor.executemany(_format(sql), args)
# Execute a multi-row insert, the same as executemany
multi_insert = executemany
def select(self, sql, args = None, size = None, is_dict = False):
'''Execute a select sql.'''
self.execute(sql, args)
return self.get_rows(size, is_dict)
def insert(self, table, **column_dict):
'''Execute a insert sql.'''
keys = '`,`'.join(column_dict.keys())
values = column_dict.values()
placeholder = ','.join([ '%s' for v in column_dict.values() ])
ins_sql = 'INSERT INTO %(table)s (`%(keys)s`) VALUES (%(placeholder)s)'
return self.execute(ins_sql % locals(), values)
def update(self, table, where, args = [], **column_dict):
'''Execute a update sql.'''
set_stmt = ','.join([ '`%s`=%%s' % k for k in column_dict.keys() ])
args = column_dict.values() + args
upd_sql = 'UPDATE %(table)s SET %(set_stmt)s WHERE %(where)s'
return self.execute(upd_sql % locals(), args)
def delete(self, table, where, args = None):
'''Execute a delete sql.'''
del_sql = 'DELETE FROM %(table)s WHERE %(where)s' % locals()
return self.execute(del_sql % locals(), args)
def get_rows(self, size = None, is_dict = False):
'''Get the result rows after executing.'''
if size is None:
rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
rows = self.cursor.fetchmany(size)
if rows is None:
rows = []
if is_dict:
dict_rows = []
dict_keys = [ r[0] for r in self.cursor.description ]
for row in rows:
dict_rows.append(Storage(zip(dict_keys, row)))
rows = dict_rows
return rows
def get_rows_num(self):
'''Get the count of result rows.'''
return self.cursor.rowcount
def get_mysql_version(self):
'''Get the mysql version.'''
def autocommit(self, flag):
'''Set auto commit mode.'''
def commit(self):
'''Commits the current transaction.'''
def __del__(self):
def close(self):
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