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Created March 3, 2023 21:04
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  • Save javashin/83b9c811d9ea53b86a44ca93e1f78ff3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[root@igloo javashin]# idevicerestore --erase iPhone_5.5_15.7.3_19H307_Restore.ipsw
idevicerestore 1.0.0-128-g7b89019-dirty
Found device in Recovery mode
ECID: 8211714528856
Identified device as n66ap, iPhone8,2
Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW
Product Version: 15.7.3
Product Build: 19H307 Major: 19
INFO: device serial number is FTHT81XWGRWM
Device supports Image4: true
Variant: Customer Erase Install (IPSW)
This restore will erase all device data.
################################ [ WARNING ] #################################
# You are about to perform an *ERASE* restore. ALL DATA on the target device #
# will be IRREVERSIBLY DESTROYED. If you want to update your device without #
# erasing the user data, hit CTRL+C now and restart without -e or --erase #
# command line switch. #
# If you want to continue with the ERASE, please type YES and press ENTER. #
Checking IPSW for required components...
All required components found in IPSW
Extracting filesystem from IPSW: 098-68819-009.dmg
[==================================================] 100.0%
Getting ApNonce in recovery mode... 0e 0d be c5 03 3f ff ec d4 af 95 fe 3f 71 fc 65 01 ee 31 50
Trying to fetch new SHSH blob
Getting SepNonce in recovery mode... 71 09 90 42 60 c5 a1 d0 73 a7 3b 72 a0 30 16 b7 88 4b 61 2a
Request URL set to
Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received
Received SHSH blobs
Extracting iBEC.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/dfu/iBEC.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component iBEC...
Sending iBEC (457815 bytes)...
Recovery Mode Environment:
iBoot build-version=iBoot-7459.140.15
iBoot build-style=RELEASE
Sending RestoreLogo...
Extracting applelogo@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/applelogo@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreLogo...
Sending RestoreLogo (19367 bytes)...
Extracting 098-68700-009.dmg.trustcache (Firmware/098-68700-009.dmg.trustcache)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreTrustCache...
Sending RestoreTrustCache (11292 bytes)...
Extracting 098-68700-009.dmg (098-68700-009.dmg)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreRamDisk...
Sending RestoreRamDisk (113857540 bytes)...
Extracting DeviceTree.n66ap.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.n66ap.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreDeviceTree...
Sending RestoreDeviceTree (32230 bytes)...
Extracting sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreSEP...
Sending RestoreSEP (3221734 bytes)...
Extracting kernelcache.release.n66 (kernelcache.release.n66)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreKernelCache...
Sending RestoreKernelCache (20842821 bytes)...
Waiting for device to enter restore mode...
About to restore device...
Connecting now...
Connected to, version 15
Device ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000001 has successfully entered restore mode
Hardware Information:
BoardID: 6
ChipID: 32768
UniqueChipID: 8211714528856
ProductionMode: true
Starting Reverse Proxy
ReverseProxy[Ctrl]: (status=1) Ready
Checkpoint 1621 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1540 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1679 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1544 complete with code 0
About to send RootTicket...
Sending RootTicket now...
Done sending RootTicket
Checkpoint 1547 complete with code 0
Waiting for NAND (28)
Checkpoint 1549 complete with code 0
Updating NAND Firmware (58)
Checkpoint 1550 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1551 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1628 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1552 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1555 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1662 complete with code 0
About to send NORData...
Found firmware path Firmware/all_flash
Getting firmware manifest from build identity
Extracting LLB.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/LLB.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component LLB...
Extracting applelogo@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/applelogo@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component AppleLogo...
Extracting batterycharging0@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batterycharging0@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging0...
Extracting batterycharging1@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batterycharging1@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging1...
Extracting batteryfull@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batteryfull@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryFull...
Extracting batterylow0@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batterylow0@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow0...
Extracting batterylow1@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batterylow1@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow1...
Extracting glyphplugin@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/glyphplugin@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryPlugin...
Extracting DeviceTree.n66ap.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.n66ap.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component DeviceTree...
Extracting recoverymode@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/recoverymode@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RecoveryMode...
Extracting iBoot.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/iBoot.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component iBoot...
Extracting sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreSEP...
Extracting sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component SEP...
Sending NORData now...
Done sending NORData
Checkpoint 1545 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1683 complete with code 0
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Checkpoint 1637 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1556 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1686 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1699 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1695 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1620 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1687 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1557 complete with code 0
About to send FDR Trust data...
Sending FDR Trust data now...
Done sending FDR Trust Data
Checkpoint 1558 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1559 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1560 complete with code 0
Checking for uncollected logs (44)
Checkpoint 4294968857 complete with code 0
Checking for uncollected logs (44)
Checkpoint 4294968858 complete with code 0
ReverseProxy[Ctrl]: (status=3) Connect Request
ReverseProxy[Conn]: (status=1) Ready
ReverseProxy[Conn]: (status=2) Terminated
Checkpoint 1563 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1633 complete with code 0
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Checkpoint 1565 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 18446744069414585934 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968863 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1674 complete with code 0
Creating partition map (11)
Checkpoint 1569 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1632 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1570 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1629 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 5645 complete with code 0
Creating filesystem (12)
Checkpoint 1624 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1625 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1626 complete with code 0
About to send filesystem...
Connected to ASR
Validating the filesystem
Filesystem validated
Sending filesystem now...
[==================================================] 100.0%
Done sending filesystem
Verifying restore (14)
[==================================================] 100.0%
Checkpoint 1627 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1664 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1653 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1676 complete with code 0
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Checking filesystems (15)
Checking filesystems (15)
Checking filesystems (15)
Mounting filesystems (16)
Mounting filesystems (16)
Mounting filesystems (16)
Mounting filesystems (16)
Checkpoint 1574 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1634 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968951 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1658 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968871 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968986 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1691 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 18446744069414585938 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968884 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968957 complete with code 0
Unknown operation (80)
Sending IsiBootEANFirmware image list
Sending IsiBootNonEssentialFirmware image list
Flashing firmware (18)
[==================================================] 100.0%
Checkpoint 4294972160 complete with code 0
Unknown operation (80)
Sending IsEarlyAccessFirmware image list
Sending IsiBootEANFirmware image list
Sending IsiBootNonEssentialFirmware image list
Checkpoint 4294972178 complete with code 0
Requesting FUD data (36)
Found IsFUDFirmware component AOP
Found IsFUDFirmware component Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata
Found IsFUDFirmware component RestoreTrustCache
Found IsFUDFirmware component StaticTrustCache
Found IsFUDFirmware component SystemVolume
Sending IsFUDFirmware image list
Extracting aopfw-s8000aop.im4p (Firmware/AOP/aopfw-s8000aop.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component AOP...
Sending IsFUDFirmware for AOP...
Extracting 098-68819-009.dmg.mtree (Firmware/098-68819-009.dmg.mtree)...
Personalizing IMG4 component Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata...
Sending IsFUDFirmware for Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata...
Extracting 098-68700-009.dmg.trustcache (Firmware/098-68700-009.dmg.trustcache)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreTrustCache...
Sending IsFUDFirmware for RestoreTrustCache...
Extracting 098-68819-009.dmg.trustcache (Firmware/098-68819-009.dmg.trustcache)...
Personalizing IMG4 component StaticTrustCache...
Sending IsFUDFirmware for StaticTrustCache...
Extracting 098-68819-009.dmg.root_hash (Firmware/098-68819-009.dmg.root_hash)...
Personalizing IMG4 component SystemVolume...
Sending IsFUDFirmware for SystemVolume...
Checkpoint 4874 complete with code 0
Updating gas gauge software (47)
Checkpoint 4294972161 complete with code 0
Updating gas gauge software (47)
Checkpoint 4294972162 complete with code 0
Updating Stockholm (55)
Checkpoint 4294972164 complete with code 0
Requesting FUD data (36)
Found IsFUDFirmware component AOP
Found IsFUDFirmware component Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata
Found IsFUDFirmware component RestoreTrustCache
Found IsFUDFirmware component StaticTrustCache
Found IsFUDFirmware component SystemVolume
Sending IsFUDFirmware image list
Extracting 098-68819-009.dmg.mtree (Firmware/098-68819-009.dmg.mtree)...
Personalizing IMG4 component Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata...
Sending IsFUDFirmware for Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata...
Extracting 098-68700-009.dmg.trustcache (Firmware/098-68700-009.dmg.trustcache)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreTrustCache...
Sending IsFUDFirmware for RestoreTrustCache...
Extracting 098-68819-009.dmg.root_hash (Firmware/098-68819-009.dmg.root_hash)...
Personalizing IMG4 component SystemVolume...
Sending IsFUDFirmware for SystemVolume...
Checkpoint 4294972172 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294972166 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294972167 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 3906086762153251592 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4878 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294972175 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4875 complete with code 0
Updating baseband (19)
About to send BasebandData...
Sending Baseband TSS request...
Request URL set to
Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received
Received Baseband SHSH blobs
Sending BasebandData now...
Done sending BasebandData
Updating Baseband in progress...
About to send BasebandData...
Sending Baseband TSS request...
Request URL set to
Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received
Received Baseband SHSH blobs
Sending BasebandData now...
Done sending BasebandData
Updating Baseband completed.
Checkpoint 4294972163 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4880 complete with code 0
Updating SE Firmware (59)
Sending FirmwareResponsePreflight now...
Done sending FirmwareUpdaterPreflight response
Checkpoint 5874749640057819913 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4877 complete with code 0
Updating Veridian (66)
Checkpoint 4294972177 complete with code 0
Unknown operation (79)
Checkpoint 4294972182 complete with code 0
Unknown operation (82)
Checkpoint 4888 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1589 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968892 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 5377 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 5376 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 5379 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4889 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4890 complete with code 0
Requesting EAN Data (74)
Checkpoint 5380 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4884 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968936 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968893 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1647 complete with code 0
Creating Protected Volume (67)
Checkpoint 18446744069414585972 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968927 complete with code 0
About to send KernelCache...
Extracting kernelcache.release.n66 (kernelcache.release.n66)...
Personalizing IMG4 component KernelCache...
Sending KernelCache now...
Done sending KernelCache
Installing kernelcache (27)
Checkpoint 3584 complete with code 0
About to send DeviceTree...
Extracting DeviceTree.n66ap.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.n66ap.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component DeviceTree...
Sending DeviceTree now...
Done sending DeviceTree
Installing DeviceTree (61)
Checkpoint 3585 complete with code 0
About to send NORData...
Found firmware path Firmware/all_flash
Getting firmware manifest from build identity
Extracting LLB.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/LLB.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component LLB...
Extracting applelogo@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/applelogo@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component AppleLogo...
Extracting batterycharging0@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batterycharging0@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging0...
Extracting batterycharging1@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batterycharging1@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging1...
Extracting batteryfull@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batteryfull@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryFull...
Extracting batterylow0@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batterylow0@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow0...
Extracting batterylow1@3x~iphone.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/batterylow1@3x~iphone.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow1...
Extracting glyphplugin@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/glyphplugin@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryPlugin...
Extracting DeviceTree.n66ap.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/DeviceTree.n66ap.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component DeviceTree...
Extracting recoverymode@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/recoverymode@1920~iphone-lightning.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RecoveryMode...
Extracting iBoot.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/iBoot.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component iBoot...
Extracting sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreSEP...
Extracting sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p (Firmware/all_flash/sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p)...
Personalizing IMG4 component SEP...
Sending NORData now...
Done sending NORData
Checkpoint 3588 complete with code 0
About to send SystemImageRootHash...
Extracting 098-68819-009.dmg.root_hash (Firmware/098-68819-009.dmg.root_hash)...
Personalizing IMG4 component SystemVolume...
Sending SystemImageRootHash now...
Done sending SystemImageRootHash
Checkpoint 3589 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 3587 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1576 complete with code 0
Fixing up /var (17)
Creating system key bag (50)
Checkpoint 3840 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 3841 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 3844 complete with code 0
ReverseProxy[Ctrl]: (status=3) Connect Request
ReverseProxy[Conn]: (status=1) Ready
ReverseProxy[Conn]: (status=2) Terminated
Checkpoint 3849 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1613 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1694 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 5874749640057816635 complete with code 0
Modifying persistent boot-args (25)
Checkpoint 1593 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 5874749640057816670 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1672 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1659 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 5632 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1599 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968896 complete with code 0
About to send SystemImageCanonicalMetadata...
Extracting 098-68819-009.dmg.mtree (Firmware/098-68819-009.dmg.mtree)...
Personalizing IMG4 component Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata...
Sending SystemImageCanonicalMetadata now...
Done sending SystemImageCanonicalMetadata
About to send SystemImageRootHash...
Extracting 098-68819-009.dmg.root_hash (Firmware/098-68819-009.dmg.root_hash)...
Personalizing IMG4 component SystemVolume...
Sending SystemImageRootHash now...
Done sending SystemImageRootHash
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Sealing System Volume (77)
Checkpoint 1675 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 4294968937 complete with code 0
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Unmounting filesystems (29)
Checkpoint 4294968898 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1660 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 5651 complete with code 0
Checkpoint 1607 complete with code 0
Got status message
Status: Restore Finished
ReverseProxy[Ctrl]: (status=2) Terminated
Cleaning up...
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