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Created October 24, 2019 13:17
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Convert Google speech to text JSON into SRT
const text = require("./text.json");
function toHHMMSS(seconds) {
var sec_num = parseInt(seconds, 10); // don't forget the second param
var hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - hours * 3600) / 60);
var seconds = sec_num - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60;
if (hours < 10) {
hours = "0" + hours;
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
let i = 1;
let aggregatedFrom = 0;
function processPart(res) {
const arr = res.alternatives[0].words;
let srt = "";
let words = "";
arr.forEach(({ startTime, endTime, word }) => {
let to = parseInt(endTime.split(".")[0]);
words += ` ${word}`;
if (to - aggregatedFrom > 3) {
srt += `${i++}\n`;
srt += `${toHHMMSS(aggregatedFrom)} --> ${toHHMMSS(to)}\n`;
srt += `${words}\n`;
srt += `\n`;
words = "";
aggregatedFrom = to;
return srt;
const parts = => {
return processPart(part);
let file = parts.reduce((agg, p) => `${agg}${p}`);
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