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Created November 23, 2015 02:54
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example of ratpack.groovy for issue with asset pipeline
import ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplateModule
import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.groovyMarkupTemplate
import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
import ratpack.handlebars.HandlebarsModule
import static ratpack.handlebars.Template.handlebarsTemplate;
import ratpack.form.Form
import ratpack.path.PathBinding
import ratpack.error.ClientErrorHandler
import com.javazquez.ApiErrorHandler
import ratpack.pac4j.RatpackPac4j
import ratpack.session.Session
import ratpack.session.SessionModule
import org.pac4j.oauth.client.GitHubClient
//More info at and
import asset.pipeline.ratpack.AssetPipelineModule
import asset.pipeline.ratpack.AssetPipelineHandler
ratpack {
bindings {
/* The SessionModule will make sure every request is set up with a session.
Also by default provide an in memory session data store.
module SessionModule
module MarkupTemplateModule
module HandlebarsModule
bind com.javazquez.SiteErrorHandler //this is global
module AssetPipelineModule
handlers {
//lets access request params
render "Here are the params you sent ${request.queryParams}"
//sending a static file
render file("public/pages/index.html")
render file("public/pages/registerForm.html")
render file("public/pages/contactus.html")
//take form data and only accept post for registration
//curl -d "fname=twitterHandle" "http://localhost:5050/acceptRegistration/"
parse(Form).then{ form ->
//render a handlebars Template
render handlebarsTemplate("acceptRegistration.html", [twitterHandle: form.get('twitterHandle')])
//serverConfig is provided by ratpack
//how to get the baseDir a.k.a ServerConfig.getBaseDir() but more groovy!
render "$serverConfig.baseDir"
def tokens = get(PathBinding).allTokens
render "show some stuff about user with id ${tokens.userId}"
//serve up a template file URL => http://localhost:5050/template/
get('template/') {
render groovyMarkupTemplate("index.gtpl", title: "My Ratpack App")
//lets create an api URL will start with http://localhost:5050/api/
//add a more specific api error handler rather than global SiteErrorHandler
register { add(ApiErrorHandler, new ApiErrorHandler()) }
def tokens = get(PathBinding).allTokens
parse(Form).then{ form ->
render "user ${tokens.user} says '${form.get('message')}'"
//curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:5050/api/contentAware/
json {
render '"content: value goes here"'
//curl -X POST -H "Accept: text/plain" http://localhost:5050/api/contentAware/
plainText {
render "You requested plain text "
//curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/xml" http://localhost:5050/api/contentAware/
xml {
render "<ratpack><demo>demo xml</demo></ratpack>"
//curl -X POST -H "Accept: text/html" http://localhost:5050/api/contentAware/
html {
render '<doctype html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"></head><body><h1>This is an html page</h1></body></html>'
// we can create our own custom types!
//curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/Johnny#5" http://localhost:5050/api/contentAware/
render 'Need more Input'
//if nothing matches provide the following default
//curl -d "MC=Hammer" -H "Accept: application/UcantTouchThis" http://localhost:5050/api/contentAware/
noMatch {
render "2 Legit to quit!"
// Lets bind a custom api error handler and make sure all requests let
// the user know it is not supported
all {
clientError 404 //clientError this comes from Context
/* Lets serve up static files.
all files within the src/ratpack/public (or ${baseDir}/public) available
to be served at the root URL unless another handler is previously matched in the chain
ex -> <link href="/styles/sticky-footer-navbar.css" rel="stylesheet">
will serve the sticky-footer-navbar.css file
files { dir "public" }
/* NOTE: set Authorization URL in Github admin screen to root of app
for this example http://localhost:5050/ is the root
lets add GitHubClient to this groovychain for downstream handlers
details for client at the following URL
all(RatpackPac4j.authenticator(new GitHubClient('key', 'secret')))
//Require all requests past this point to have auth.
//user admin ,pwd = admin
get{ ctx ->
render "An authenticated page. SessionId is ${ctx.get(Session.class).getId()}"
get('logout/'){ ctx ->
RatpackPac4j.logout(ctx).then {
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