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javcasas / gist:37c7eaa141cc51f3907020d81ca082f6
Last active March 6, 2017 15:20
Bunch of good practices
* Prevent commiting to master with a pre-commit hook such as
ssh -L 1433:mssql_server:1433 user@tunnel_through_server
type MyADT = {
t: "Case1";
v1: string;
} | {
t: "Case2";
v2: string;
at: number;
} | {
t: "Case3",
v2: string
// index.js //
function flatten1(arr) {
// Imperative flatten that works by attaching elements to a resulting array
const res = [];
function inner(a) {
if(Array.isArray(a)) {
} else {
from z3 import *
s = Optimize()
task_length = {
1: 20,
2: 50,
3: 80,
4: 50,
5: 60,
type APIWithExtra = {
hasExtra: true;
field: string;
optionalField: string;
type APINoExtra = {
hasExtra: false;
field: string;