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Created August 9, 2017 23:57
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$regPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
$hklm = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine
Function Add-FolderToPath {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$True, Position=0)]
[string] $Folder
Write-Verbose "Adding folder ""$Folder"" to SYSTEM path"
#get the current search path from the environment keys in the registry.
$regKey = $hklm.OpenSubKey($regPath, $FALSE)
[string]$OldPath = $regKey.GetValue("Path", "", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueOptions]::DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames)
#see if the new Folder is already in the path.
IF ($OldPath | Select-String -SimpleMatch $Folder) {
Write-Warning "Folder ""$Folder"" is already in the path"
} else {
#set the New Path
$NewPath = $OldPath+ ’;’ + $Folder
$regKey = $hklm.OpenSubKey($regPath, $True)
$regKey.SetValue("Path", $NewPath, [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::ExpandString)
#show our results back to the world
Return $NewPath
Add-FolderToPath "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"
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