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Created August 1, 2017 00:45
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movie like credits in vim
> Credits <
> ======= <
> <
> Unit Production Manager Cherylanne Martin <
> <
> Art Directors Lawrence A. Hubbs <
> Bruce Crone <
> <
> Video Graphics Supervisor Ian Kelly <
> <
> Additional Casting Judith Bouley, C.S.A <
> <
> Production Accountant Allen E. Taylor <
> <
> Additional Editing by Harry Keramidas <
> <
> First Assitant Editors Carin-Anne Strohmaier <
> Jeremiah O'Driscoll <
> Orlando Duenas <
> <
> Asistant Art Directos <
> Sally Thornton Dough Meerdink <
> Elizabeth Lapp Brad Rocker <
> <
> Set Designers <
> James Claytor Josh Lusby <
> Kristen Pratt Evelyne Barbier <
> Easton M. Smith Dean Wolcott <
> <
> Conceptual Artist Stephen P. Burg <
> <
> Storyboard Artists Eric Ramsey <
> Darryl Henley <
> <
> Graphic Designer Doreen S. Austria <
> <
> 3-D Computer Artist Tim Wilcox <
> <
> Fourth Dimensional Consultants Rick Carter <
> John Bell <
> Stefan Dechant <
> <
> Astronomical Visual Consultants Jon Lomberg <
> Don Davis <
> <
> Art Department Coordinator Beth Bernstein <
> <
> Location Manager Paul Pav <
> <
> Produced by Vim <
"If already loaded, we're done...
if exists("loaded_SWcrawl") | finish | endif
let loaded_SWcrawl = 1
"Preserve external compatibility options, then enable full vim compatibility...
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
"Set up the actual colon command...
command! -nargs=1 -complete=file SWTC call SWcrawl(<f-args>)
let s:CRAWL_SPEED = 3.0 "(lines per second)
let s:STAR_DENSITY = 50 "(pixels per star, i.e. 1 star per STAR_DENSITY pixels)
let s:STARFIELD_HEIGHT = 2 "(screens deep)
let s:CENTRED_CRAWL_LINE = '^\s*[>]\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*[<]\s*$'
let s:PREFACE_LINE = '^\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*$'
highlight SWC_PREFACE ctermfg=cyan
highlight SWC_FADE_LIGHT ctermfg=cyan
highlight SWC_FADE_DARK ctermfg=blue
highlight SWC_CRAWL ctermfg=white
highlight SWC_STAR ctermfg=white
highlight SWC_BLACK ctermfg=black ctermbg=black
let s:PREFACE_POS = { 'x': 10, 'y': 5 }
function! SWcrawl (textsource)
"Load preface, logo, and text to be crawled...
let preface = []
let crawl = []
let centred = []
let max_crawl_width = 0
for nextline in readfile(a:textsource)
"Ignore blank lines...
if nextline =~ '^\s*$'
"Lines in >...< are centred crawl components...
elseif nextline =~ s:CENTRED_CRAWL_LINE
let next_crawl = matchstr(nextline, s:CENTRED_CRAWL_LINE)
if strlen(next_crawl) > max_crawl_width
let max_crawl_width = strlen(substitute(next_crawl,'\s\+',' ','g'))
let crawl += [ next_crawl ]
let centred += [ 1 ]
"Anything else is preface...
let preface += [ substitute(matchstr(nextline, s:PREFACE_LINE), "^\s*", repeat(" ",s:PREFACE_POS.x), '') ]
"Save current buffer for final transition effect...
let original_buffer = getline(1,'$')
"Switch to a new buffer...
let prev_matches = getmatches()
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal cmdheight=1
setlocal nocursorcolumn
setlocal nocursorline
setlocal nofoldenable
setlocal nonumber
setlocal norelativenumber
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal wrap
setlocal linebreak
silent! setlocal breakindent "not be available in old vim versions
setlocal nolist
setlocal bufhidden=wipe
setlocal nobuflisted
let b:WIN = { 'x' : winwidth(0), 'y' : winheight(0) }
call setline(1, repeat([""], b:WIN.y + 1))
"And hide annoyances...
set lcs=
let old_rulerformat = &rulerformat
let &rulerformat="%#SWC_BLACK#%l"
echo ""
"Generate starfield...
let stars = SWC_gen_stars()
"Clear screen...
call setline(1, repeat([""], s:STARFIELD_HEIGHT * b:WIN.y) + original_buffer)
"Run crawl...
call clearmatches()
call matchadd('SWC_CRAWL', '.', 100)
call matchadd('SWC_STAR', '\s\zs[.]\ze\s', 101)
for offset_from_bottom in range(1, len(crawl) + b:WIN.y)
let crawl_line = offset_from_bottom < b:WIN.y ? 0 : offset_from_bottom - b:WIN.y + 1
for screen_line in range(1, b:WIN.y)
if screen_line >= b:WIN.y - offset_from_bottom && crawl_line < len(crawl)
let padded_line = SWC_pad(crawl[crawl_line], screen_line, centred[crawl_line], max_crawl_width)
call setline(screen_line, padded_line)
let crawl_line += 1
call setline(screen_line, "")
call SWC_paint_stars(stars)
echo ""
exec 'sleep ' . s:trunc(1000/s:CRAWL_SPEED) . 'm'
if getchar(0) || offset_from_bottom > len(crawl) && padded_line !~ '\S'
"Switch back to previous buffer and restore normal highlighting...
bwipeout %
"edit! #
call setmatches(prev_matches)
let &rulerformat = old_rulerformat
function s:trunc (n)
return str2nr(string( a:n ))
function! SWC_pad (text, y_pos, centred, max_text_width)
"Does this need padding???
let words = split(a:text, '\s\+')
if len(words) < 1
return a:text
"How many unpadded characters are there???
let unpadded_width = 0
for word in words
let unpadded_width += strlen(word)
"How much padding is needed???
let rel_y = (2.0 * a:y_pos / b:WIN.y) - 1.0
let stretched_width = s:trunc( a:max_text_width + rel_y * (b:WIN.x - a:max_text_width) )
let required_padding = max([ 0, stretched_width - unpadded_width ])
let indent = (b:WIN.x - stretched_width) / 2
let gap_count = len(words) - 1
"Is this a last line???
let tight = a:centred || strlen(a:text) < 0.9 * a:max_text_width
"Insert padding...
let min_padding_needed_for = gap_count
if tight
let min_pad_per_gap = max([ 1, s:trunc(rel_y * 6.0) ])
let min_pad_per_gap = max([ 1, required_padding / gap_count ])
let leftover_padding = required_padding - gap_count * min_pad_per_gap
let min_padding_needed_for = min([ gap_count, gap_count - leftover_padding ])
let padded_text = join(words[0 : min_padding_needed_for], repeat(" ", min_pad_per_gap))
\ . repeat(" ", min_pad_per_gap+1)
\ . join(words[min_padding_needed_for+1 : -1], repeat(" ", min_pad_per_gap+1))
let padded_text = substitute(padded_text, '\s*$', '', '')
"Indent to centre...
let padded_text = substitute(padded_text, '\s*$', '', '')
let max_ever_padding = b:WIN.x - a:max_text_width
let indent = a:centred ? (b:WIN.x - strlen(padded_text))/2
\ : indent
return repeat(" ", indent) . padded_text
let s:m_w = 1 + getpid()
let s:m_z = localtime()
"not sure of the wisdom of generating a full 32-bit RN here
"and then using abs() on the sucker. Feedback welcome.
function! RandomNumber(...)
if a:0 == 0
let s:m_z = (36969 * and(s:m_z, 0xffff)) + (s:m_z / 65536)
let s:m_w = (18000 * and(s:m_w, 0xffff)) + (s:m_w / 65536)
return (s:m_z * 65536) + s:m_w " 32-bit result
elseif a:0 == 1 " We return a number in [0, a:1] or [a:1, 0]
return a:1 < 0 ? RandomNumber(a:1,0) : RandomNumber(0,a:1)
else " if a:2 >= 2
return abs(RandomNumber()) % (abs(a:2 - a:1) + 1) + a:1
function! SWC_gen_stars ()
let star_count = b:WIN.x * s:STARFIELD_HEIGHT * b:WIN.y / s:STAR_DENSITY
let stars = []
for n in range(star_count)
let x = RandomNumber(b:WIN.x) + 1
let y = RandomNumber(s:STARFIELD_HEIGHT * b:WIN.y) + 1
let stars += [{'y':y,'x':x}]
return stars
function! SWC_paint_stars (stars)
let max_x = b:WIN.x
for star in a:stars
let line = strpart(getline(star.y) . repeat(" ", max_x), 0, max_x)
let line = substitute(line, '\s\zs\%'.(star.x-1).'c\s\ze\s', '.', '')
call setline(star.y, line)
"Restore previous external compatibility options
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
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