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Created November 15, 2020 14:40
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const expectIsWithin = text => {
const { state, entityMatch } = createStateAndEntityMatch(text)
return expect(isWithinEntityMatch(state, entityMatch))
export const DELIM_START = '{'
export const DELIM_END = '}'
* Creates a DraftJS State (content) Interpreting {...} as entities.
* As it uses `createState()` it supports the "selection" DSL.
const createStateAndEntityMatch = text => {
const state = createState(text)
const initialSelection = state.getSelection()
return {
state: pipe(
createEntityOnSelection('myEntity', 'MUTABLE', () => createSelectionOnBlock(
{ anchorOffset: text.indexOf(DELIM_START), focusOffset: text.indexOf(DELIM_END) }
forceSelection(() => initialSelection)
entityMatch: {
start: text.indexOf(DELIM_START),
end: text.indexOf(DELIM_END),
// UTILITY to create a content with a single block using a "DSL" to specify the selection
// Like this "Hello [>World>] how are you ?"
// Selection range is specified either by [> ... >] for left to right
// or [< ... <] for right to left
const createState = (...blockLines) => {
// parse lines
const parsedBlocks = blockLines.reduce((acc, dslText) => {
const { text, anchorOffset, focusOffset } = createStateForText(dslText)
const block = {
key: uuid(),
type: 'unstyled',
depth: 0,
inlineStyleRanges: [],
entityRanges: [],
data: {}
if (!acc.selection && anchorOffset !== undefined) {
acc.selection = {
anchorKey: block.key,
focusKey: block.key,
isBackward: focusOffset < anchorOffset
return acc
}, { blocks: [] })
// create state
const state = createEditorStateFromRawContent({ blocks: parsedBlocks.blocks, entityMap: {} })
// select
return parsedBlocks.selection ?
EditorState.forceSelection(state, createSelectionOnBlock(parsedBlocks.selection.anchorKey, parsedBlocks.selection))
: state
export const createStateForText = text => {
const ltrSelectionIdx = text.indexOf('[>')
if (ltrSelectionIdx >= 0) {
return {
text: text.replace(/(\[>|>\])/g, ''),
anchorOffset: ltrSelectionIdx,
focusOffset: text.substring(ltrSelectionIdx + 2).indexOf('>]') + ltrSelectionIdx
const rtlSelectionIdx = text.indexOf('[<')
if (rtlSelectionIdx >= 0) {
return {
text: text.replace(/(\[<|<\])/g, ''),
focusOffset: rtlSelectionIdx,
anchorOffset: text.substring(rtlSelectionIdx + 2).indexOf('<]') + rtlSelectionIdx
const cursorPosition = text.indexOf('[|]')
if (cursorPosition >= 0) {
return {
text: text.replace(/(\[\|\])/g, ''),
focusOffset: cursorPosition,
anchorOffset: cursorPosition,
return { text }
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