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Created March 16, 2020 16:20
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Recording videos with OBS

Why OBS? It's free and Twitch streamers have proven it is quite configurable and reliable.


  1. Download OBS (Mac, Linux, Mac) from:
  2. Install and Launch OBS.
  3. Create an Scene
  4. Add Display Capture and Audio Capture
  5. Open the Settings window and select Output, then Recording, select mp4
  6. Still under Settings, Hotkeys tab, I recommend adding a hot key to start and stop recording.
  7. Close Settings window.


To record, I recommend maximizing RStudio in Mac, then select the OBS window, switch back to RStudio and use your start-recording hot-keys, record the video, then finish with stop-recording hot-keys that you defined when configuring OBS.


Intro Screens: It helps to add a intro screen. We createed one with RMarkdown that we open in a browser with each video and maximize in full-screen. Then we start recording on the intro screen and then swipe (in Macs) to the actual content you want to present.

Noise Filteers: I also recommend playing with noise filters, depending in microphone sometimes is bettter sometimes worse. Hit the settings icon in the Audio Input Capture bar and select Filters. Try adding Noise Gate and Noise Supression, and play around with the sliders, you will have to record a video, change the filters, then retry until you get something that you like.

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